Question regarding jogging and weight loss.


New member
I'm 171 cm tall girl and weigh about 180lbs (82 kilos). I've been jogging and cycling about two years ago, lost a lot of weight and then kind of gave up (big mistake, I suppose). Due to my pretty non-active lifestyle I gained most of the weight i've lost. About a week ago I decided to start jogging again and do it in such a way so that I wouldn't get tired of it. So I was wondering if I would lose weight with my current excersise program which is - Walking 3km, then jogging for 30 mins (currently I manage to do about 3.5 km during that time, but am planning to increase speed) then walking another 3km. And do all of that 6 times a week with one day of resting. Thanks!
Sounds like a great exercise plan! If you get back on your bike as well it will mix it up and ensure you don't get bored of jogging!

Try go different places a few times a week as well?

Anyway, your plan sounds great!! Let us know how you get on!

I'm about the same proportions as you and hoping to loose some weight and get fit and improve my lifestyle!
I recently completed the couch to 5K program, running in session in the same place. I've just got back from my first free run where I went to an entirely different place and it seemed to go much faster and not so much of a chore, so I definitely second the going to different places suggestion.
I jog in the same place pretty much (this one park on the other side of town. Just prefer places that have less people so I can sweat, huff and puff in solitude :D). About two weeks ago I started Insanity Max 30 aswell. My knees hurt so bad I think I should give it a break.
Setting long term goals is great, but these goals always seem to far off. You need to set smaller, more reachable goals that you can regularly meet to keep your motivation high. Set yourself weekly, monthly and three monthly goals. Once you meet one short term goal set a new one for next week.

I think Walking 3km is a good beginning but jogging for 20 min is enough for now.

Good luck Krizdele