Question on saftey of using testosteron booster...

Im 19, 6 feet about 150 lbs. Im currently on Muscle Milk, nitrix and NO X. I just ordered Alri Max Lmg ( testosterone enahncer) and i would like to know if that is safe to use being that I am 19. A friend of mine is the one who recomended it to me and he said that paticular prodect works very well. But i just realized he is 24. I havent began using the product yet, it should be comming in tomorow. So is there anyone who can help me out here. And if Alri Max is not the way to go then what is
I do not recommend testosterone boosters

Regardless of age, I do not recommend testosterone boosters, unless, they are prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons, i.e hGH, etc. I have been weight training for over 15 years and have tried quite a few boosters. Many times, they are simply "junk" and do not do anything; however, sometimes, they have very ugly side effects. I must admit, I am not familiar with ALRI Max, so I cannot speak to its results.

However, based on your age, you are still growing and are entering into the "prime" muscle building age for men (20-26). I would focus my attention on my nutrition, water intake and training. If you need supplementation, I would recommend a protein shake, creatine and a good multi-vitamin.

Depending on your goals, I would suggest eating between 2,800 - 3,400 calories a day and make sure it is full of clean protein. I normally recommend a 50/30/20 split as far as calories go (50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat). Regardless of what the curent hype is surrounding a new supplements, the only way to build muscle is to eat right, lift hard, drink water and get proper rest. Hope this helps.
Eat better, and focus less on supplements. You haven't even peaked yet, there is no need for test boosters at this point.
Unless your doctor has tested your testosterone levels and say you are below normal, there's no reason to risk your health on unregulated herbal supplements.

herbal crap isn't FDA regulated. a lot of that stuff is crap, or harmful. you'll likely get nothing beneficial, and may raise your estrogen levels due to bad product.