Sport Question on Ritz Baked Chips

Sport Fitness
Are these chips a relatively safe snack food to eat in moderation if I'm looking to build muscle while not eating too-too much fat? (Nutritional Label posted below.)

Here are the stats:

Calories Per Serving: 140
Total Fat: 5g
1g Saturated Fat
Sodium: 400mg
Total Carbs: 20g
1g Dietary
3g Sugar
Protein: 2g
Are these chips a relatively safe snack food to eat in moderation if I'm looking to build muscle while not eating too-too much fat? (Nutritional Label posted below.)

Here are the stats:

Calories Per Serving: 140
Total Fat: 5g
1g Saturated Fat
Sodium: 400mg
Total Carbs: 20g
1g Dietary
3g Sugar
Protein: 2g

It has refined white sugar, get rid of it :)xmas:). 3g isn't that much, but still, I hate the stuff, LOL.

However there are other reasons to consider getting rid of this junk in your diet and here it is: (if its the same one you are referring to)

3 ingredients: White Sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, and Partially Hydrogenated Cotton Seed Oil.


Choose something better in my humble opinion. :)

Best wishes

Yeah, those are crappy carbs, you can do better. And if you are anything like me, I laugh at the idea of eating one serving...I'd pass up 1,000 cals in a half hour. Ha.
Reading the ingredients would give you a better idea. 20 bucks says theres HFCS and some type of enriched flour in it. I wouldn't feed those things to the local ducks.
eat a bowl of oatmeal. Anyone looking to either make serious gains or drop some serious pounds best stay away from chips and crackers.

I got some good responses. I didn't mean I'd be eating one serving, the damn things are just flat-out good! Anyways, thanks guys.
If you want some good chips (the healthiest you can get I think) get Sunchips.