Sport Question on Proteins

Sport Fitness
So I've read that animal proteins are the best kind, and LV's grocery list has an enormous amount of those. The trouble is we don't eat that much meat at my house, only say once every two days, for one meal. That can't be okay, can it? Plus we don't eat beef or pork... fish only rarely.
Is there some way I can incorporate more protein into my diet without having to eat that much meat? Also, if it's of any importance, I'm Indian (legumes are an almost constant addition in all the meals we eat).
-canned tuna
-cottage cheese
-protein supplements
Is there some way I can incorporate more protein into my diet without having to eat that much meat? Also, if it's of any importance, I'm Indian (legumes are an almost constant addition in all the meals we eat).

Legumes are among the most protein-dense vegetable foods. They are also high in fiber, and their carbohydrate content tends to be slow digesting low glycemic types (which are generally good).

Milk and derived products like cheese and yogurt have significant protein, but whole milk varieties are high in saturated fat (which may be of concern if you are Indian, due to high risk of coronary artery disease among people from the Indian subcontinent). You may want to choose skim milk versions of dairy products if your blood cholesterol levels are not good, or the fat content provides too many calories.

Eggs are also a significant protein source, although a minority of people have a condition where their blood LDL cholesterol levels hyperrespond to dietary cholesterol, like that found in eggs. Such people may have to avoid the yolks to avoid high blood LDL cholesterol.

Some nuts have significant amounts of protein. However, they are high in fat, which is good fat, but if you are limiting calories, that may make it difficult to get a lot of protein from nuts without getting too many calories.
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Thanks, tlj. I suppose that means I'm getting enough protein, right? ... I drink 2 glasses of skim milk every day and eat an egg for breakfast in addition to all the dal.
Thanks, tlj. I suppose that means I'm getting enough protein, right? ... I drink 2 glasses of skim milk every day and eat an egg for breakfast in addition to all the dal.

It does depend on how much dal and other things you are eating. Also, other foods besides the commonly named protein-dense foods do have some protein.

You can look up nutritional content (including protein content) of various foods on . You can also put your food into and have it calculate what you are taking in.