Sport question on nuts

Sport Fitness
i went around a health-food shop today and saw loads of really nice looking snacks like mixed dried fruits, assorted nuts of all kinds, pumpkin seeds etc. what i'm wondering is are these kinds of things okay to encorporate into a fat loss diet as part of my daily meals?

I felt really uncertain when looking at the nuts because they were often either really high in carbs or fats, sometimes both. and it just seemed as if they were too unhealthy. i know this is probably wrong because people say fat from nuts is good.

what i want to know is which nuts are the best for you? and which ones should be avoided? and how much of them should you eat?
The fat you get from nuts (peanuts in particular) is the "good" fat. They're also loaded in fiber and protein. I think peanuts are a great choice for a fat loss program, in moderation of course :D.
Nuts are okay, so long as you measure out one serving and only eat one serving. Your best bets are raw walnuts and almonds.

I have 1 ounce of walnuts everyday
i agree with spockafina. i do a serving of walnuts each day. one serving is 30 grams and 20 grams of fat and that is not a very big serving. so you have to be careful.

this is a copy and paste of an article on nuts. kinda long but talks about the different ones and what they're good for.

Looking for a high energy, nutritious snack? Looking for a good source of healthy fat and quality protein? Looking for an convenient finger-food that can be transformed into a variety of entrees? Well, look no further than nuts, nature’s super-nutritious energy foods.

Nuts are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and, depending on the nut in question, an assortment of fatty acids that stimulate the immune system, provide energy, and protect the digestive tract from harmful microbes. Like all plant foods, nuts are an incomplete protein source, but can be combined with other foods to make a digestible protein to help build tissues, enzymes, and the body in general.

Nuts, however, are a diverse family of seed foods from a variety of plants. Let’s take a tour of several of the more popular nuts, noting their unique nutritional features. Since no food is perfect, we’ll note any possible dangers to be aware of. We’ll finish up with a number of tasty recipes for you to try--there’s a lot more to nuts than you think!

ALMONDS: Naturopath Bernard Jensen once called almonds the "king of nuts," and with good reason as almonds appear to be the most nutritious of all nuts. Almond trees grow freely in Greece, Italy, Syria and Palestine and are mentioned several times in the Bible. In early bible times, almonds were said to be among "the best fruits of the land" and their use as a food blossomed in the Middle Ages, being an article of commerce. The nut and its oil have truly nourished people for millennia.

Nutritionally, almonds are excellent sources of vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium, as well as fair sources of trace minerals, particularly manganese and zinc. Like all nuts, almonds are rich in the amino acid arginine and so will have to be curtailed or avoided in case of an active herpes infection (arginine stimulates herpes virus replication). Glutamic acid, another amino acid, is particularly plentiful in almonds. Glutamic acid is part of the antioxidant tripeptide glutathione, and helps to detoxify ammonia from the body. Almonds are also one of the few food sources of amygdalin, sometimes called nitrilosides or "vitamin B-17," a reputed anti-cancer compound.

Almonds are good sources of protein, providing about 26 grams per 1 cup, and an almost equal number of carbohydrates. Almonds, like all nuts, however, are extremely concentrated sources of fat. Containing about 77 grams of fat per 1 cup, the majority of which (66%) is the monounsaturate oleic acid, the same fatty acid found mostly in olive oil. Monounsaturates are very stable chemically, making almonds and their oil, ideal for cooking and long storage. Almonds also provide a good source of omega-6 linoleic acid, one of the essential fatty acids.

Almonds are one of the few nuts that have been used medicinally throughout history. Ancient Roman writings claimed that almonds helped to prevent drunkenness--a questionable claim indeed! Yet almonds do contain appreciable amounts of fibre and mucilage and so can be helpful in cases of mild gastritis and constipation. Dr. Edward Shook, author of the famous Advanced Treatise on Herbology, recommended almond oil mixed with elecampane root as a remedy for wasting and tuberculosis.

Pitfalls? A few. Almonds, like all nuts, contain plentiful enzyme inhibitors making them hard to digest if not prepared properly (discussed later). And like all grains, seeds, and nuts, almonds contain anti-nutrients called phytates, organic acids that bind to minerals and prevent their absorption in the small intestines. When properly prepared, however, these compounds are neutralised, making almonds, and all nuts, excellent foods. One other possible danger is almond skin: some irritation can occur in some people. Perhaps this is the reason why Ayurvedic medicine only recommends "blanched" almonds be eaten. Peeling almonds is easily accomplished after soaking them in water.

CHESTNUTS: The fruit of the chestnut tree, chestnuts are a staple food in the tropics like Tahiti, but also form a part of the diet in colder places, most notably Great Britain.
Nutritionally, chestnuts are higher in carbohydrates than any other nut; this accounts for their sweet taste. Consequently, chestnuts are very low in fat and protein. Of the fat they do have, it is equally divided between monounsaturates and polyunsaturates. Because of their high carbohydrate content, chestnuts are very high in the B vitamins, chromium, and manganese: all nutrients required to assimilate carbohydrates.

CASHEWS: A native tree of Brazil that has found its way to India, the cashew nut comes from a pear-shaped fruit called the cashew apple. The nut is easily harvested because it grows outside the apple. Almost 90% of all commercial cashews are grown in India.

Cashews are higher in carbohydrates than most nuts and are rich sources of protein, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, copper, and zinc. Like other nuts, cashews’ fat is mostly oleic acid (60%) and linoleic acid (17%). Cashews are unique, however, in that they contain about 1.5% of lauric acid, a medium chain saturate that possesses potent antimicrobial properties. We will discuss lauric acid more under our next entry, coconut.

Cashews contain a toxic oil called cardol between the inner and outer shell. The compound is released, however, by cracking the nuts and roasting them two times in succession. There are, therefore, no "raw" cashew nuts on the market.

Cashews are also one of the foods that need to be approached cautiously when facing candidiasis, or a systemic yeast infection. Cashews accumulate mold more readily than other nuts and allergic reactions to them are fairly common in those with this ailment. You can spot moldy cashews by black flecks on the nut’s surface.
COCONUT: A tree found throughout Polynesia and Hawaii, the coconut has provided nourishment for peoples across the globe for centuries. Coconuts are low in protein and carbohydrates, but are extremely high in fat with the pressed oil being used for cooking throughout the world.

It is this nut’s oil that makes it valuable as a food source. Coconut oil is a whopping 94% saturated, making it a very stable oil for cooking and baking (saturated oils do not break down easily, even when exposed to heat). Most of the fatty acid content is made up of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), saturated fats that do not require bile for their digestion. MCTs are not stored as adipose tissue and are readily used as energy by the body.

The main MCT in coconut is lauric acid, a triglyceride heavily studied for its antimicrobial properties. It is lauric acid that provides most of the fat content of human breast milk and is what protects the newborn’s intestines from microbial invasions. Recent studies done with lauric acid and coconut oil have demonstrated its effectiveness in treating immune disorders by helping to decrease production of inflammatory cytokines, chemical messengers that activate immune cells, sometimes to ill effects. Effective against a wide range of bacteria, fungi (including candida albicans), and viruses (including herpes simplex), lauric acid is something every health conscious person should have in their diet every day and coconut oil (or other coconut products) is an easy way to accomplish this.

Those of you worrying about coconut oil "clogging your arteries" need not fear as there is no proof that coconut oil (or saturated fats) damage arteries in any way. After all, Polynesian peoples have been eating coconut for centuries with almost non-existent rates of heart disease. As long as the coconut oil you use is food grade, unrefined and non-hydrogenated (check labels), use it freely in your daily diet.

If you choose to use fresh coconut from the market, be aware that the fruit goes rancid rather quickly. You will have to make quick use of your coconut once it is bought. Additionally, canned coconut milk should be unsweetened and free of preservatives (check labels). And your coconut milk should be FULL FAT, not "Lite." "Lite" coconut milk almost never has any lauric acid in it.

PEANUTS: Peanuts are actually a legume, not a nut, but are used like nuts so we shall include them in our discussion. Peanuts are good sources of protein and carbohydrates with an almost equal amount in grams per cup. Fat, however, makes up most of peanuts’ calories. Peanut oil, highly prized for its taste benefits in cooking, is rich in oleic and linoleic acids, but has very little omega-3 linolenic acid, one of the essential fatty acids.

Peanuts are very good sources of niacin, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They are also high in the amino acids glycine, glutamic acid, and arginine. Arginine helps to maintain the thymus gland and is part of the urea cycle for removing liquid wastes from the body. Glycine and glutamic acid are both part of the antioxidant glutathione, synthesized by the body from glycine, glutamic acid, and cysteine.

Dangers? Many people are allergic to peanuts, even the oil, so caution is advised in case of any family history of allergies. Peanuts, like cashews, accumulate molds very easily, especially one called aflatoxin, a potent carcinogen. For this reason, all raw peanuts should be heated before eating to kill off any molds.

PECANS: Grown predominantly in the southern United States, buttery tasting pecans are the fruit of tall, thick trees that can produce up to 200 pounds of nuts per year. Like all nuts from trees with deep roots, pecans can be excellent sources of trace minerals. They are rich in calcium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, and selenium. They also contain fair amounts of B vitamins and carotenoids. Pecans are about 75% fat, mostly from oleic acid.

"Pecan milk" was a popular drink among some Native American tribes who would gather the nuts, grind them, and then soak them in water. This is very similar to the old European farmer’s practice of making "walnut milk" out of walnuts.

MACADAMIA NUTS: Macadamia trees are native to Australia and are one of this country’s greatest gifts to the world. This delicious nut is also grown widely in the Hawaiian islands where it is a major cash crop.

Macadamia nuts are rich in minerals like copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and zinc. They are also high vitamin B1 and, like almonds, are rich in amygdalin, or nitrilosides, reputed anti-cancer compounds.

What makes macadamia nuts different from other nuts is its unusual fatty acid profile. The nuts are about 80% fat, the majority of which is made up of stable monounsaturates, with smaller amounts of saturates and a very small, but equal ratio, of omega 3 and 6 polyunsaturates. About 22% of the monounsaturate content is made up of palmitoleic acid, a fatty acid with strong antimicrobial properties that protects against pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the gut.
Nuts and seeds are fantastic sources of so many vitamins and minerals! You'll get vitamins A, B, C, E, and calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, selenium and other stuff I've probably forgotten. Aaaaaand they're not bad for protein either.

The best:
Sunflower seeds
Flax seeds
Brazil nuts

If you have cereal, sprinkle some onto it. You can even sprinkle some on salads. I like eating them as a snack as well.

They're high in fat BUT it's the good fats as someone else mentioned. What they're high in is EFAs (essential fatty acids) which actually help you LOSE excess weight! The trick is getting the idea that "all fat is bad" out of your head cos that is a myth.

Even just one teaspoon a day can add so much more great nutritional value to your diet!

Nuts and seeds : the under-rated food :D
thanks for all that info guys, I'll certainly be adding walnuts or almonds to my diet. :)

does anyone know anything about pumpkin seeds? I had some when I was on holiday in Thailand and they were absolutley gorgeous, so are they good for you like nuts are?
jonny100 said:
does anyone know anything about pumpkin seeds? I had some when I was on holiday in Thailand and they were absolutley gorgeous, so are they good for you like nuts are?

it looks like my post went ignored then lol

(yes they are good for you like nuts are)
jonny100 said:
Is that pumpkin seeds you're talking about or nuts?
Nuts in general.