Question on Interval Training

Hi guys, I had been searching around the net for efficient ways to improve my stamina and I encountered this "Interval Training". It's confusing though, so please guide me along.

My goal is to finish 2.4km Run by 11min (Currently 12min 19sec)
So what i design for my workout is to:
400m Slow job (Warm up)
30sec run/ 10sec rest x5 interval
400m walk (Cool down)

Total time for interval = 200min
= 3min 20sec
Will it really improve my stamina?
Many people suggests to do interval training max. 3 times per week but say if the workout to last for 5min. 3 Times x 5min = 15min. Does it really helps to improve my stamina?

Sorry if I have understood wrongly the concepts of Interval Training.
If there are better ways to improve my stamina, please do share it with me.

Any suggestions, please?