Sport Question on egg whites...

Sport Fitness
well i think it would probably be be healthier to eat them hardboiled rather than fried/scrambled because of the oil involved in cooking them that way. you could fry them with some type of cooking pray though.
longnlow72 said:
is anyway healthier to eat them whether scrabled, hard boiled, etc?

Well you listed off the healthiest way to eat egg whites.. I don't believe there would be a way to get healthier than the healthiest.

Check out some of the recipes that have been posted up.. Some combine them in your morning oatmeal/protein breakfast... or you can be a champ and drink them raw.. yeah thats what I'm talking about. lol naw but thats bout it.
I use PAM or a spritz of olive oil when I cook. fat isn't bad for you...too much fat is bad for you. when eating clean, you'll be low on fat, so its ok to use a little bit of olive oil when cooking foods.

omlet, scrambled, poached, hard boiled...its all good.

and its quite alright to eat a couple yolks too...for the same reason...fat is ok, plus half an egg's protein is in the yolk.