Weight-Loss Question, im sure its been asked various times



New member
I was reading about Apple Cider Vinegar. Is it true, that if taken 2 table spoons mixed with 8 oz. of 100% fruit juice before every meal will help speed up your metabolism and give you more energy to excersize?

Also, what about foods like celery? Is it true that it burns more calories cheweing, digesting, and the process inbetween than the amount of calories it actually took in?

I know there is no real way to tell if its TRUE. But has anyone tried this? And did you have any results?
About digesting celery, I do know that a can of turnip greens contains 85 calories, 28 of which are fiber so that leaves a whole can with only about 57 calories. Since digestion does require calories, I can see where eating certain greens would be zero calorie food.
As far as the apple vinegar, if it did speed up metabolism, it wouldn't compare anywhere near what exercising will do to your metabolism. The best thing is to eat a meal with some carbs and a little protein, then go work out.
Yeah, I know, but like, was wondering if the vinegar + excersize action would be better if both were combined.

I know excersize is like the essential key here.