I am considering switching over to a blend of whey/casein protein powder. A question I have is whether the the whey and casein digest independently, or do they effect eachother? (does the casein slow down the digestion of whey or vice versa?)
I believe some of the whey gets stuck in the casien ball that forms in your stomach, but a lot of the whey will digest fast while the casien hangs around a little longer.
I just switched over to whey + casien exclusively for the next few months.
I'm still trying to find the articles I read a few weeks ago, but essentially they said in all situations, whey+casien is always better than 100% whey.
athletes (not newbie trainees) gained more lean muscle, and shed slightly more body fat when using the blend vs. similar athletes, same program, but whey only.
sports nutrition research is always evolving as more studies are conducted. for a long time, egg protein was king. then cheap whey. then whey got fancy, better processing. now it digests too damn fast
I'm still trying to find the articles I read a few weeks ago, but essentially they said in all situations, whey+casien is always better than 100% whey.
Demling et al (2000) compared two groups on a 2100 to 2300kcal diet containing 143gP (26%), 286gC (52%), and 49gF (20%). Both groups weight trained for twelve weeks but received 75g of their daily protein intake from either a whey-based drink or a milk-protein isolate drink (80% casein, 20% whey). At the end of the study, the milk-protein isolate group lost more fat (15.4lbs vs. 9.2lbs), gained more lean mass (9lbs vs. 4.4lbs), and gained more upper and lower body strength than the whey group. It appears that milk protein isolate ingestion, when on a training program, may be a better way to enhance fat loss and muscle gain.