Question about Tonalin CLA 1000 mg (Newbie)

I went to "The Vitamin Shop" today asking them if they had something to help me loose/burn fat without caffeine and they suggested "Tonalin CLA 1000 mg.
I know nothing about it, Before I get it I would like to know if there are any risks, side affects or just over all anything I should know.

I am new at working out, I just started going to the gym, doing Wii Fit and some at home exercises I have been working out for about a week now.
I don't know if that matters but thought I would mention it LoL.
Thanx in advance,
Kitty :luxlove:
Took it myself for 3 months (the advised time) took it at the right times (30 mins before a meal, 3 times a day), took the correct amount. Noticed nothing.

Read up on it, it can cause diabeties, hence not taking it for too long. It also can create an appetite. I got the appetite -but then I always have an appetite anyway so could have been anything, its what most people complain about anyway. There are other risks but these were what stood out to me.

People have advised to take them for a few months then stop as they stop working after a while then rebegin a few months later. But having said that, I did not notice any changes what so ever.
Forget fat-burners or drugs that "help you lose weight". It didn't take a pill to get you fat, is it going to take a fat-burner to get you back in shape?
Forget fat-burners or drugs that "help you lose weight". It didn't take a pill to get you fat, is it going to take a fat-burner to get you back in shape?

They don't claim to make you lose weight (or my pack didn't anyway) they claim to help stop fat being held around your middle. They do this by messing with insulin and hormones (in essence) which can present them as a risk if you use them long term (they have been known to cause Diabeties). Many causes of fat being held around the middle are due to hormones (cortisol) which can occur through things like stress which in turn can be caused by a range of many things like a high sugar diet right through to a mental health condition. Then there are links to genetics...

CLA is found in beef amoung other things and is natural, but the quantities in the CLA pills which are sold are in far higher doeses then you'd find in a rare sterloin.

But to restate the above: been there, tried that, didn't do anything for me.
Thanx guys.... i deffinatly won't take it then especially since Diabeties runs in my family, I am at high risk of getting it as it is I don't need a pill that'll speed up the process.
I'm glad I asked. =)