Question about the "Myth of spot training"

I know that everyone says spot training is a myth. But I was wondering if wearing a heat pad around your waist will help you lose that gut faster while running. For instance, I run with a Sauna Belt on around my waist. What it basically does is make your waist very hot in a short amount of time. I am sweating within the first 5 minutes, while running for 20 minutes on a tread mill which is about 2 miles.

The first area of my whole body that accumulates sweat is around my waist as well. I do notice my waist becoming smaller. Any thoughts?

read around. more sweating does not necessarily mean burning more calories
Man I don't know. I'm old school when it comes to fitness. Proper diet and excercise, a little patience and you'll be there before you know it.

Cut back on your food intake, watch the carbs and run to your limit.
Man I don't know. I'm old school when it comes to fitness. Proper diet and excercise, a little patience and you'll be there before you know it.

Cut back on your food intake, watch the carbs and run to your limit.

Gotcha. I've got the good diet and excercise down, just lack the patience lol.
I agree with nae82. How much you sweat has no direct impact on how much real weight you lose. It is just a by-product of the work involved.
Your waist may well get a little smaller if you're sweating buckets but you're probably losing a few inches all over, not just on your waist. Once you've had a glass or two of water though it'll all come back. Dehydration is not the answer to weight loss, it'll actually slows down weight loss as your body needs that water to metabolise fat.
If sweating bucket meant instant weight loss I would have the teeny-tiniest forehead in the world! :eek: