Question About Taking BSN Cell Mass and Max Muscle Protien

Just would like advise on weather or not im doing any good by taking BSN Cell Mass and Max Muscle Protien (high 5). Also, is it possible that this mixture is causing me to gain weight? Any response is appreciated and i thank you ahead of time.
Max Muscle protein is just some whey protein right ?
If so, using cell mass which contains creatine and whey protein is a good combo. You might have some initial weight gain using this products because as I mentiond Cell mass contains creatine which adds some water weight when you start taking it. Don't worry about this water weight because you will lose it gradually as you stop taking cell mass.

Gaining and losing weight depends on how much calories you eat. So calculate your calories so you can check if you're eating too much.

I think it would've been cheaper if you just got regular creatine instead of cell mass.. but I don't want to get into that.