Question about supplements.

I've gotting from 263 down to 199 since january 05. Now its time to tighten up and lose more fat especially around the arms and stomach. I never really stuck to a good weight training program and did mostly cardio. Now i'm dedicated to weight training and need to know the supplements that I need to take to help me out.

So far I purchased GNC Pro Performance® Whey Protein - Unflavored

I take the whey once a day after workouts.

However do you guys think the xyience protein would be better as it says it helps lose fat and gain muscle. xyience xm2

I was thinking of adding some Nitrix Oxide? Do you guys think that would help. Specifically xyience XNO Xtreme Nitric Oxide

Also what about NOX-CG3

My goal is to gain muscle and lose fat while tightening up.
I dont see a link to the protein. Just look at the protein/carbs/fat per serving, protein powder alone doesnt make you lose fat and gain muscle. Go with whats cheaper, and I doubt its the xyience (although GNC is a ripoff).

Oh and leave the NO2 and that other crap alone too. Proper diet and good exercise are all you need.
agreed, NO2 anything is not worth your time. don't buy into the hype.

if you want creatine, get plain old creatine monohydrate that has CreaPure on the label (hint: GNC does not sell good creatine and they RIP YOU OFF on everything else)
fish oil caps
and a daily multivitamin...that's all you need to even consider for supps.
Supplements only account for at the most 10% of ones total progress. Some will even say maybe less than 5%.

In other words, it's not an important component of one's program :)
What is the best online website to order this creatine and the other supplements from? Thats reliable and well priced?
i like for Optimum Nutrition stuff (or any generic vitamins)
I'm also a fan of

I've ordered many times from both places. AtLarge is actually a manufacturer of supps and they just sell direct..real quality stuff.

both ON and Atlarge creatine monohydrate is about $15 for 500g and is the good CreaPure processed stuff.
What is the best online website to order this creatine and the other supplements from? Thats reliable and well priced?

If you have Dollar General dollar stores where you live you should check them out. They have a small selection of vitamins for extremely cheap prices. Though they don't have a ton of different kinds, they do have fish oil and daily multivitamins.
If you have Dollar General dollar stores where you live you should check them out. They have a small selection of vitamins for extremely cheap prices. Though they don't have a ton of different kinds, they do have fish oil and daily multivitamins.

Watch the posts you respond to. You drudged up a thread from 3 years ago.
I've been taking Optimum whey protein for over a year..I love this product so as first timer I would definitely suggest try that they have some good flavor...I am thinkin about trying something new though.. probably Optimum Serious mass looks pretty good...

But again just remember...good body won't come alone from supplement...good workout routine, diet and dedication is all you need. :costumed6:

And just recommendation... if you want to buy product or supplement go to they have all the products and lot cheaper than anywhere else..don't buy it straight from gnc they'll rip you off.
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not to mention Dollar General stores are not going to have high quality vitamins. Not all vitamins are created equally. Many use extremely inferior forms/sources with poor bio-availability and short shelf lives.