I've gotting from 263 down to 199 since january 05. Now its time to tighten up and lose more fat especially around the arms and stomach. I never really stuck to a good weight training program and did mostly cardio. Now i'm dedicated to weight training and need to know the supplements that I need to take to help me out.
So far I purchased GNC Pro Performance® Whey Protein - Unflavored
I take the whey once a day after workouts.
However do you guys think the xyience protein would be better as it says it helps lose fat and gain muscle. xyience xm2
I was thinking of adding some Nitrix Oxide? Do you guys think that would help. Specifically xyience XNO Xtreme Nitric Oxide
Also what about NOX-CG3
My goal is to gain muscle and lose fat while tightening up.
So far I purchased GNC Pro Performance® Whey Protein - Unflavored
I take the whey once a day after workouts.
However do you guys think the xyience protein would be better as it says it helps lose fat and gain muscle. xyience xm2
I was thinking of adding some Nitrix Oxide? Do you guys think that would help. Specifically xyience XNO Xtreme Nitric Oxide
Also what about NOX-CG3
My goal is to gain muscle and lose fat while tightening up.