Weight-Loss Question about sunflower seeds.



New member
OK.. I know this seems silly, but I am the type to munch and munch if I don't watch myself. Sunflower seeds is seeming to be my savior. Not sure why.. .Here is my story.

Back about July when I went to my brothers wedding I was a blimp. I had not realized how bad it got because I was afraid to weigh myself. When I saw the wedding photos I was HORRIFIED!! I instantly got on the scale to see how bad it was. Sure enough it was pretty bad. I was about 215lbs. For a 5'10 guy that is pretty heavy.. I didn't see myself as being as fat as I was until I looked at the pictures. I started running and working out everyday, but I would still eat. I toned up a bit but my weight after a month was still the same. Anyhow I am addicted to food. I love it, and cannot get enough. Used to be when I was not eating food I was cooking something to eat.

I don't smoke so there was nothing to keep my hands busy so they were shoving food into my mouth. Well needless to say I bought a bag of seeds.. That seemed to keep my hunger at bay, and I was stil constantly eating. The calories aren't that bad for what I eat (usually about 300 or so the days I eat them). My blood pressure is still low (I usually buy no salt)...

So basically I have tapered myself down to almost no seeds, and am OK from meal to meal. I know this sounds silly, but seeds really helped me to taper down eating of food all the time.

the best news is that I have lost 45lbs since September, and am 10-15lbs away from my target weight! :D.. The seeds kept my craving at bay until I could control it. Right now inbetween meals I am not as hungry as I once was! I thank the seeds, but I am not surehow much of it was willpower.

Anyhow, anyone have similar experiences?

edit: I still do eat some seeds. Like right now I am munching on them, but I have gone from a half bag a day to a little more than a handful lol.
Having something like that just to keep you busy is cool. I used to chew baby carrots to help myself control the urge to have something in my hands when I quit smoking.

As long as you are losing weight, what is the problem with some seeds? If you are worried about the sodium, you can buy 'em without salt.
Yah, I buy them w/o salt. I don't eat that many now. Like a bag a week at the most. It's a 6oz bag. I have my breakfast food as a bag of grapes, and lunch is an apple. Between it's the seeds, and for dinner I eat a sensible dinner. Usually just a salad w/ a chicken breast cut up on it or cottage cheese, and fruit. One of those 6oz containers w/ the fruit mixed in.

I have totally stopped eating after 6pm. This was the toughest part of my diet. I found myself in the beginning taking a sleeping pill so I could go to bed. I am a night owl sometimes staying up past 1am-2am, and it was tough to eat nothing. I used to eat about 11pm or so a plate of nachos, and a sandwich or something.

Literally after injuring myself to where I couldn't run or anything I loated in about 6 months from about 180 to 215. Out of feat of even going higher I had to stop it.
Literally after injuring myself to where I couldn't run or anything I loated in about 6 months from about 180 to 215. Out of feat of even going higher I had to stop it.

I feel your pain, brother.

Injuries are the worst possible thing to happen to you. Not only is that particular part of your body out of commission for a month on the light side, but your entire program is screwed up, and it is SUPER easy to get depressed, especially while dealing with the pain and the inactivity at the same time.

Good to hear you're gettin back.
Umm what about dying LOL?

Yah, but when you're dead, you don't realize that it's the worst possible thing to happen to you. Being unconcious kinda helps, but when you're conciously aware, ohhh man. Lol.

But I agree..injuries can be horrible for weight. When I had surgery in early 2006 I went right up to 300lbs and nearly cried. Had the same surgey in early 2007 and I swore I'd never hit 300lbs again, I dropped 7lbs instead =)

I see no harm in eating the seeds, at all