Sport Question about Sugar

Sport Fitness
This may be a stupid question but I'm asking anyone. I have a sweet tooth for fruity Candys, such as ; Starburst, Now N' Laters, Nerds, and especially skittles. I'll cheat every now and again on my diet (about once a week) with a pack of skittles, which essientally contain no fat, about 34g of carbs, and 29gs of Sugar -- Which is the most negative aspect.

My question is, is sugar that detrimental to you? I know athletes like Lamar Odom, and Mariusz Pudzianowski eat these sweets regularly for energy. I am just wondering, FROM A FAT LOSING STAND-POINT are a pack of skittles occasionally that bad for you, and how does sugar really effect younger people (such as myself, I'm 19) in negative ways. I'm not worried about getting wrinkles. . .

it spikes insulin. that's not always a good thing, and you can develop insulin insensitivity, which can become diabeties. lots of sugar, especially soda pop, is why 14% of today's children are obese, and an alarming number of type 2 diabeties is cropping up among kids, teens and 20-somethings.

in moderation its not such a terrible thing.

but on a fat loss diet, carbs intake is fairly critical. carbs = energy, and when burning fat you need an energy intake deficit to get the body to tap into that stored energy (fat).

Rather than a whole pack of skittles, why not get a bag of 'fun size' skittles like at halloween? Still get your sweet fix, and its probably only 10g of sugar.