Weight-Loss question about peels



New member
My whole life I've heard things like the peel of an orange has more nutrients than the fruit of it, etc. I've heard that skins and peels usually have more nutrients than the inner part. Is this true?
If so, I should leave the peel of my cucumbers on...
no idea about that. this was all i could find. I think as long as you thoroughly wash the fruits it'd be a good idea the eat the peel. I like grating citrus peels onto yogurt, then eating the fruit later.

but i eat my cucumbers with skin on, i like the crunch it makes :p
i tried eating the orange peel but bleech! not tasty at all. but as far as health properties I believe the peel has pectin in it, which can help out the symbiotic bacteria living inside you. However the research with orange peels is not conclusive. if you can stomach it, go ahead and eat the peels. At the very least it isn't harmful.. except maybe with pineapples ;)
You're article had some interesting info, ty faye faye.
i tried eating the orange peel but bleech! not tasty at all.
Yeah, I don't think I could eat the peel of an orange, but there is other stuff that I could leave the peel on when I eat it.
the zest of the orange, lemon or lime (just the colored outer part) is great as a flavoring in various recipes (remove it with a microplane)-the white pith is bitter and not even remotely edible... :)

The skin of apples, potatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini and other fruits and vegetables is definitely edible... Just wash it before eating :)