Ok, I'm sure everyone here is tired of my constant questions about fat & ingredients but I have yet another question! So I bought these peanut butter cookies from Trader Joes (not for me!) and I was looking through the ingredients and in the middle (about number 10 of 20) was partially hydrogenated palm kernal oil! So how much do you really think is in there considering that it's so far down the list? Obviously the bag says 0 trans fat but most products do when they contain that ingrediant. Personally, I'm staying away from anything that has partially hydrogenated in any part of the ingrediants but what about the average joe (aka my bf)? Do you think he should worry about it? I finally got him concerned about trans and got him away from his old coffeemate creamer and chips. Think I should tell him he should switch cookies too or are they ok? I'm the only one he's getting info from so some thoughts would be great