Weight-Loss Question about my Birthday Cookies..?..



New member
Hey guys I just finished my first round of INSANITY, and Im in awsome shape, but I have a question. For my birthday on tuesday I got 2 douzen cookies as a gift from my mom, and well I LOVE COOKIES!! But I wanted to know how to pace myself through them, like could I eat one a day or a few a week, I dont want my body fat to increase at all, I dont want to damage my new defined abs!! I am still going to workout 6 times a week, doing a Hybrid of P90x, and Insanity. And my diet will be strict as always, but I need to get rid of these cookies, can anyone help me aproach this the right way..
Well, get rid of most of the cookies. I know..birthday gift and you love cookies..but if you are worried about overdoing it, reduce that risk by throwing out most of them. You don't have to get rid of all of them. You are allowed to eat 'bad' things too you know? It's all about moderation.
Are they good cookies? 'Cause they sound like good cookies. Homemade? Thought so.

Ask yourself which you'd rather have: the cookies or the abs. If you chose abs (you DID choose abs, right?), then enjoy yourself a few cookies and throw the rest out, or take them to work for co-workers and friends.
yea thought about it, and my family was more than happy to share them with me the next day! Voltures:smilielol5: