Question about Lunges

Hello, I am currently doing the Supreme90 workout plan. Today I had legs. I used no weights as I am just starting out. I have found that I have a big issues with lunges. I can not seem to stay balanced at all. I have also noticed that my right side is stronger than my left side and after the workout I seem to feel it in my right leg and barely in my left leg. Does this mean my right side got more of a workout? Also how do I learn to balance during lunges. The worst move was the one where you lunge forward and go to lunging back right from the lunge forward stance. Besides the balance issue, I fear that my right leg is going to get more toned and look better than my left. Am I just being crazy? Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Lunges are hard on balance. It's to be expected. The only way, really, to improve your balance during lunges is to keep cuing in good form (torso upright, hips square, feet parallel) and keep practicing. If you're having more difficulty with your left leg, then lunge on the left leg first, and let that be the benchmark for your right leg. So, if you get 5 lunges on your left leg, then do 5 on your right leg, and stop there. This will reduce the likelihood of your right leg growing ahead of your left leg.

If you cannot balance enough to do any technically decent reps, then hold onto something for support and practice the movement without balance as an issue. Once you've established good technique without having to worry so much about balance, stop using an external support and re-integrate balance back into the equation. Don't do more advanced versions of the exercise until you can do static lunges (just doing a straight set without any fancy business on one leg, then doing the same on the other) competently.