Question about gaining explosive/max strength

my understanding is that low reps high load leads to strength building and high reps and more controlled load leads to muscle building.

what kind of rep and set range am i looking for in order to build strength? not looking to get anymore bigger than now :s
keep your set to about 5 reps or perform singles with short-medium rest between repetitions. for example wait 1-2 minutes before performing the next repetition.this will allow you more recovery and will let you handle more weight for the following reps, teaching you both mentally and physically that each rep is like the first rep where you give everything.
Generally you will only get bigger if your eating more calories than you burn so if you are eating a maintenance diet you can go up in strength without bulking. 10 sets of 3 reps can be good for strength. but don't do it with every excercise. I personally don't think 5 singles would be as efficient as 10x3 or 5x5. Also pushing so close to your maximum all the time is gonna take its toll on you and you risk injury.