Question about de-tox

Hey everyone, me and my girlfriend are thinking of doing a de-tox once school is out. We've never done anything like that in our lives, so we're a bit apprehensive as to the protocl for it. However, we have been told it's great to do once or twice a year (the term "Spring cleaning").

My question is: when doing the de-tox, do I need to stay off ALL supplements for it to be effective?

I can easily give up some supps, but pre and post workout protein seem to be ridiculous to give up!
I have no idea why you would need to stop taking protein supplements. It's just food, no different that a steak. Both are just sources of protein.
here's the thing...

if you're not eating like crap now, there's no good reason to de tox.

if you eat clean, drink plenty of water, you're not 'toxified' to begin with.
I hate the idea of suddenly and drastically altering your diet for something called a detox. Malkore summed it all up with the water comment...
I used to eat bad, last summer---and I was told by my manager at vitamin shoppe (also a nutritionist) that de-toxing should be done at least once a year to clean out any harmful toxins. he said it would also help supps work more efficiently as no bad toxins will be in the way of that.
lol @ the manager of vitamin shoppe.. but if he's a certified nutritionist with a degree then you should actually consider what he has to say, if not, do your own research.

BUT: There's no reason you need to crash course into a detox. Why not up your water and fiber intake and slowly flush them out?
A very easy detox-worm wood, grape seed extract, and oregano oil (P73). Take for 2-3 weeks, but as stated don't alter your diet if you're already eating clean and getting enough fiber in.