Sport question about cottage cheese

Sport Fitness
I've heard so much about the wonders of cottage cheese that I finally got around to buying some the other day (I kept forgetting before but managed to put it on my list beforehand this time). But when I tasted it (for the first time) I had trouble getting used to the flavor. I can't really say that I like it all that much, if at all. Is cottage cheese really that much better than other types of non-fat cheeses? What is it that's so great about cottage cheese?

I still have a bunch left that I'd like to eat somehow but was wondering if you guys could help me out with how one acclimates to the taste. I'm guessing not everyone simply eats it by itself... any ideas for a newbie who discovered she doesn't really like the taste of plain cottage cheese? What can I eat it with?

On an entirely different note... does anyone know anything about imitation crab meat? Real crab meat, while absolutely delicious, is soo expensive! Is imitation crab meat just as healthy? Does it have as much protein? Any thoughts? :confused:
imitation crab meat is basically pollock fish bleached and processed and flavored to emulate crab flavor. it's over processed as hell but i dont think it's bad for you. i use it in stir-frys sometimes, & although i like the taste, it doesnt actually taste much like crab to me.
i always find it odd when people say they dont like the taste of cottage cheese as it has almost no taste to me - very mild flavor. i usually mix in a little splenda and some fruit when i eat it. or blend it into smoothies. i think it's worth consuming, though. :)
I got cottage cheese also, and I think it's mostly the consistency that weirds me out. I don't necessarily mind the taste, but it still isn't that great, and I got lowfat with pineapple.
cottage cheese has all the protein without the fat. other cheeses, especially hard cheeses are very high in fat.

try mixing it in with tuna.

i eat it with a baked sweet potato and onion
I mix my cottage cheese with Lite 85 fat free yogurt. It has no added sugar (splenda sweetened) so its very low carb, hides the taste and consistency of cottage cheese.

We have a pack of imitation crab meat in the freezer. according to the label, there are more grams of carbs than protein, due to all the processing and flavoring agents they use.
not bad in a pinch if you need to boost protein, say for a salad, but I wouldn't make it a staple protein source.