Question about calorie intake

Hi guys,

I have been struggling with my weight (never been massive but never been happy) since I was at school and decided to get it all together this year.

I now have the bug and have dropped from 21.1% BF down to 17.3% in 5 months. Obviously I now see some major physical changes and really have the bug (what I always wanted!)

Now I am cycling anything between 60-100 miles per week and am starting to take it more seriously.

My problem is, this has made my appetite disappear almost completely and am bothered that I am nowhere near hitting my intended calorie intake. Is this going to affect my progress?

Yesterday for example: 1 x banana, 2 x protein and carb shakes, 1 grilled chicken....that's it, I just do not feel hungry and this has gone on for almost a week now.

Is this normal if you ramp up your training? I figured my body would crave more fuel but I seem to have the opposite reaction.

Any help appreciated.

It is normal to lose your appetite when you do hard cardio. One of the reasons is because your body is flooded with hormones like adrenaline which can hamper appetite. This hormone is the very same we'd get if we were being attacked and it tends to block out hunger in order for us to make an escape without being side- tracked. However, it also boosts the stress hormone coritsol which makes out body hold fat and disproportionalty around our waists. This acts as quicker fuel for us to use when we are running from an attack.

If you really are struggling to eat and have tried things like prewriting a menu plan for each day and trying very hard to stick to it, try it for 2 weeks before giving in). Then maybe try things like protein shakes, carb gels and powders mixed in with things you normally eat to boost the calories but yes your right, not eating properly can hamper weight loss as for the reasons described above and as a resulf of our bodies shutting down and trying to store the calories we eat rather then use them. This results in us feeling weak, tierd and not able to work or think as well.

Try seeing if you can manage more on your rest days. You may find that the adrenaline and other exercise reactions may die down and you may find it easier to eat properly.
Thanks Summer, that makes sense.

My knowledge of nutrition is very good; my fridge/freezer is full of fish, chicken, pork and veg and until recently have made a conscious effort to hit the macros suitable for me on a 20% deficit.

I have seen very obvious visual results over the last month and am bothered that once my appetite comes back I will begin to start gaining weight again and lose motivation.

Because I know I NEED the nutrition despite my lack in appetite I have been drinking shakes rather than eating made up of true whey, finest oats and fish oil suppliments. Today for example I had a banana for breakfast with above shake, a chicken salad for lunch, a banana snack and now after work another shake.

Hopefully it's just a phase because I really enjoy cooking :)

Your diet sounds great- really it does, yes it could be better but there is no perfect diet and you could be far far worse, trust me! You may become reliant on the shakes, that would be my only worry. Your appetite may well stay away for some time if your doing alot of high impact cardio several times a week so it may be a case of tempting yourself back into things. But give it a few weeks, see if things don't naturally improve, your body may well be just adjusting- we are all different and have different types of appetite so really only you will know.

Well done with the calorie deficit though, not easy!
Fair point on becoming reliant on the shakes, I will look out for that happening.

If it continues after a couple more weeks I'll ramp up my concern :) Sure it will pass, like you say, body is probably adjusting to the new regime.

Thanks again.
