Weight-Loss Q...Apple Cider Vinegar & Fish Oil Tablets:

Hi, I’ve heard nothing but good things about these products & can vouch for them myself as I had good results using them in the past. I found there to be some truth about apple cider helping to relieve the build up of lactic acid in the muscles due to exercising- this is why I am using it. I’ve also had good results for my dry skin problem, but also attribute this to the fish oil I take. I use a Low Reflux fish oil and also help to avoid the reflux issue (for those of us that suffer with it) by storing my fish oil in the fridge...some people take them frozen.

What I would like to know is...Can you take your Apple cider vinegar at the same time you take you fish oil tablets? (I can’t seem to find any mention in this regard)

The Tablets I am taking are HL Omega-3 1000mg (High Potency EPA & DHA)
I take 2 three times a day with food.

The Apple cider I take two measured Table Spoons in half a glass of warm water after breakfast with my fish oil tabs. (I hear some people complain about yellow teeth with apple cider...do I have to brush immediately or is the half a glass of water enough to combat that issue) Can I take more apple cider like three times a day like the fish oil?...the taste does not bother me.

Any comment on what I am taking and how would be greatly appreciated as I hear the mixing pills and or foods can be counterproductive on a chemical level.
I don't see why there would be a problem taking fish oil and vinegar together, except for maybe an upset tummy. As for turning your teeth yellow, that could be from the high acidity of the A.C.V.

This might not apply but I used to have an ED, and I know that when you throw up there is a lot of bile acid that attacks your teeth, and all the sources I know said dont brush your teeth right after the acid is in and around your teeth and mouth because it rubs the acid into your teeth.And with prolonged exposure to acid it can yellow and wear away the enamel on your teeth.

Ive heard that drinking a carbonated beverage right after the acid reacts with your teeth helps neutralize the PH in your mouth, or even swishing baking soda solution would be a good idea, Im just wary about the bristle action from the toothbrush.
I wouldn't brush your teeth right after drinking anything acidic for the exact reasons mentioned above. Acids weaken your tooth enamel and you don't want to damage it further by brushing.

As far as taking them together - I really have no opinion on that. :) I take fish oil capsules with my morning meal, and I don't really believe the vinegar thing, so I don't drink it ... although I love vinegar dressings and so forth.

I think as long as it doesn't make you sick, you should be fine.
Thanks guys,
I use tooth moose at night to help keep my teeth protected from my reflux. Points noted. Thanks again. The vinegar works well in regards to muscle recovery. :)