Sport PWO Drink that tastes good

Sport Fitness
I usually just have a normal PWO protien shake, Chocolate milk + Protien. This works great but is very unsatisfying. Does anyone know of a product doesn't have the consistency of milk or the chalky consistency you get from protien powder. I am looking for someting that is good for you that has the consistency of TANG. heck orange flavor would rock!!

I am looking for a better thirst quencer for my PWO drink, thats all.
There are lots of different protein powders. I don't find ON chalky at all. You can also mix your protein with juice for a different flavor most vanilla brands mix well with lots of different kinds of juice. You can also buy unflavored to mix with juice or cold green tea. Failing all that being to your liking if you want to spend money Interactive IsoWhey Breezer comes in many fruit flavors and is not thick like most proteins.