Push Ups and Sit Ups

Hello everyone,

I understand that I'm supposed to split up the days I work out different muscle groups but I was wondering if its ok to do push ups and sit ups 5 consecutive days a week. Can anyone shed some light on this? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
It all depends on how many and how hard your going with your push ups and sit ups. I wouldn't recommend doing sit ups everyday, like any muscle group if your really pushing them then consecutive workouts will hurt more than help. As for pushups if your lifting weights I would just add in sets of push up in between sets. Everybody's body is different, so I would maybe try and see how you feel.
its probably overtraining, i wouldnt do it.... anyway Im not sure if this is OK but id like to try a new workout routine to stir things up a lil bit... see below

Monday AM = Chest PM = triceps
Tuesday AM = Back PM = Biceps
Wed AM = Legs PM = shoulders
Thurs = Off
Repeat cycle
**moderate training

Please critique my schedule... i think ive hit a plateau
If you are not going to failure repetitively,you can perform pushups 5 days per week without overtraining. Why do you want to do that anyway? What are your goals?

I think that splitting a workout into a morning/evening split boosts metabolism and I will have more energy for the workout because Im not exhausting myself hence I can hit heavier weights... eg Chest in the morning and triceps in the evening with 8 - 10 hours in between
Its hard for me to believe that you working as hard as possible, so Im thinking its not that you hit a plateau but more that your not working to max. This is also evident because your targeting one muscle group for a whole workout, which has to be either a VERY BORING workout or real short workout. Unless your sleeping inbetween workouts then your not helping yourself in any way. Your body doesnt fully recover until you sleep, and then you cant work chest without working your tricep muscles. So theres no way your working your tris to full capacity in the evening anyway. If your trying to bulk up then your gonna wanna mix up between hypertrophy and strength training, and if your trying to cut up, then your gonna wanna do some cardio and toning. You can still do your two-a-days, but your gonna wanna try a different routine. I would try:

Mon - Legs/Triceps/Abs(night) {if you do two-a-days wait till night to do abs}
Tue - Back/Traps/Shoulder
Wed - Chest/Bicep/Abs(night)

There really no reason to give your Shoulder, Biceps, and or Triceps there own workout unless your actually about to do a competetion. Whenever you work your large muscle groups, you have to work your smaller ones, so in essential your day workouts were both small and large group muscle exercises. You cant work your back without using your bi, you cant do chest without doing triceps or shoulders...
If you only do pushups and situps your muscles will become to used to those exercises. You should think about trying other stuff out.