Pure Ignorance


Ive worked out for about two years now but I recently got real serious about it. Ive been doing about 40-50 minutes of cardio plus about 12 weight training excersizes each time I got to gymn. I do two muscle groups per visit:

Chest and Tricept
Back and Legs
Bicep and Shoulder

My question is this, I dont neseccarily want to be huge but i like clear muscle definition. The cardio has helped me loose a great amount of weight and I started eating more smaller meals a day (per a friends suggestion.)

Any suggestions for some good supplements and/or other diet ideas to help me achieve a more defined shape.
patience is key and u dont seem to beworking ur lower body...

if u want to lose fat and see toneness in ur arms , u need to lose the fatty layer thats covering the muscles.

theres no such thing as "spot reducing" u can do ur upper body all month long, and u wont see much change in tone, u might bulk up, but the thing to losing the fat is overall body workout.

i dont suggest taking fat-loss pills as they have health risks. u should google this.

u should also setup a regiment for your lower body.