Punching Bag... Experience needed??

I have recently been drawn to incorperating a Punching Bag into my workout.

What I have read about Punching bags, is mainly that using one is a great aerobic workout that works on the upperbody.

The only question i had before i go out and buy one is,
Do You Need Prior Training To Use One?

I have never used a Punching bag before, and all my use with it will be for exercise purposes only, I am not looking into taking up the sport of Boxing.

I have see on the internet ways explaining proper stance and how to do a proper puch. But is that all i really need to know? Is the only way to get one be taking classes, or gettting a personal trainer?
Or if knowing a basc stance and punching techs. is enough please let me know, and if not, but there is a way to learn by my self, without joining a GYM, like maybe a good site or somting that would be great to.

Please Give me any input on this that you have

You'll have to apply what you've learned in order to test whether or not you actually know it. Typically, someone should give you some pointers and stuff. I'd look into instruction if I were you. It's really quick, you should learn how to throw all the punches in a few lessons.
check this site

contains usefull info and link for boxing and martial arts techniques
also check he section on frank benn; give a lot of pointer to improving power in techniques

you can download a few punching bag videos from the net and follow the movement patterns
your technique wont be perfect in the start so you practice a bit in front of a mirror. correct yourself when you spot a mistake
then go to the punching bag there reducing any chances of injury
speed bag or heavy bag? i'm assuming heavy bag since its more versatile in use.

no real training needed, although if you wanna try martial arts type kicks and punches, you should get a little instruction first, so you do it correctly and don't twist anything the wrong way (mainly thinking about kicks)