Pulled abs, help me, I can't train 4 gods sake!

I was doing 'Go Ape' and everything was fine, great fun by the way. But the next day my right abs were killing me, even walking hurts. I am in good shape, I run frequently, my traithlon training was going well and now I can't do anything as it still hurts. I wouldn't bother posting it but I've had it for a week now and it's only improved a bit, which is a bit worrying.
I know it's no biggie but I want to get back to training and all I can do at the moment is cycling (only tempo) which is great but I want to run and swim.
Anyway, is there anyway to hurry up the process or is it a case of letting mother nature get on with it.
Any help would be great,
core injuries are pesky for sure

depending on how bad you are hurt, just leave it alone, and do a lil strength training. You can even isolate some of your tri-major muscles and build them a bit, so that when you get back to endurnace you are even better.

I remember pulling a shoulder and had to weight train legs for a while. When I got back in the water my kick was way better.

work your rotator cuffs, calves, quads, and chest some...

and relax

I don't know what distance of events you are trying to be good at, but- it makes no difference, because better performing shoulders and calves will make you better.

you wont get the endorphin buzz you are jonesing for, but your future performance will imporve.
