Pull ups, hand issues

I'm currently doing P90x for the 2nd time which has a lot of pull ups/chin ups involved. When I do pull ups my hands are hurting long before my back is tired (I usually do about 20 pull ups and my hands are hurting by the 10th). I've tried gloves and the issue is still there. Is there something I can do to keep my hands/palms from hurting so much when doing pull ups?
your hands are hurting? why? Is it muscular? is it that the skin gets crushed between your hand and the pullup bar?
My skin gets crushed between the bar and the my hand. Also, this only affects me when doing wide-front pull ups, the nerve running from my ring fingers down to my hand feel strained. Since that happens I've been staying away from wide-front pull ups due to not wanting to cause any nerve damage. Has anyone else had this problem?
the nerve? that sounds weird.. Do you get any tingling or numbness after you do pullups to suggest that you're actually messing with a nerve?

Try to adjust your grip so that the skin doesn't fold between your hand and the bar, if it does so now. It used to do that for me, but after I adjusted my grip I had no more problems.

Did you have this problem the first time you did the program?
There was still the skin folding issue the first round. I'll try to alternate grips and check out the difference. There's no numbing while doing wide-front pull ups, just a pain I can feel going down my ring finger nerve on both hands. I guess the best thing to do would be to work around this so as to be cautious. Do you think using wrist straps while doing pull ups would help out?
straps could help, but if your skin folds it will probably hurt no matter what. And how do you know it's the nerve you're messing with? maybe it's just a tendon?
How are you holding onto the bar?

You're probably like me. Try holding them like this:

If you're not already.
take the wedding ring off, if you're married.