pull up bar, hands???

hey, i have a pull up bar. however after i do some pull ups, chin ups etc, the otherside of my knuckles (palm side) get a stinging pain. is there any type of glove i could buy to stop this?
any padded glove with a good grip will help and also take some of the strain of your hands and wrist muscles..also you can try wraps.
Yeah, weight training gloves work, just make sure they dont have so much padding in the palms that you cant close your hands around the bar...i use some to do pullups at the gym
and they help a lot...
Learn to hold the bar properly. Use chalk.

Holding the bar properly means obeying gravity. Where are your hands going to slide to on the bar? Put them in that position.

I've never found gloves actually help at all.
i like gloves. over time you will develop callouses where those blisters want to form (that's the pain you're feeling...they're also swollen a tiny bit right?)

i don't have big hands, so gloves actually help the bar fit better, giving me a more solid grip.
Part of the benefit of pull ups is your grip development, gloves can hinder that. You'll develop callouses without the gloves over time.

Whatever works for you though, better to do pulls ups assisted I suppose than no pull ups at all.
You should look into some basic finger and hand grip strengthening exercises. I don't really have any off-hand right now to describe, but hitting up a rock-climbing forum board is usually full of good ideas.

Lifting gloves with a traction grip are fine, the muscles utilized in grip are still being trained, but I'm not a big fan of the wrist strap idea (but then again, I don't care much for lifting belts either). Those items, with the exception of their use during ultra-heavy power and Olympic lifts, are really nothing more than a crutch, and don't promote strengthening of the entire kinetic chain. And given the fact that pull-ups are a functional exercise, and you are already experiencing an abnormal pain at some link of the kinetic chain during the exercise, then you should be addressing the weak link in the chain, not covering it up with a wrist strap.
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I suggest just do them and youll get used to the pain or it will go away or take some medication to make it go away before doing pullups.