Protruding Abdominal?


New member
I am a fairly fit person, I exercise 6 days a week with a variety different workouts ranging from my legs , upper body, abs and yoga. I eat healthy and drink a decent amount of water. I am just having issues where my abs do not show when I stand in a normal posture. Is I tighten my core and slightly lean you can clearly see my six pack. I have heard that people have an issue with something which is called Protruding Abs which is where it just looks like you have a pot belly when you stand up normally. I don't think it's fat at all so I am just clueless to what it is. If it is protruding abs is there something to fix this or is it just bloating?

Fairly fit isn't enough for what you want.

Visible abs require very low body fat. low single digits for men, low teens for women.

depending on your age 8% puts you at the low end of ideal. 3-4% is the low end of lean which is where you need to be. a few percent might not seem like much, but it makes that difference.
Ok thanks Tourny. Just makes no sense since I have been working out for over a year now. I have never been fat or overweight in my entire life. I used to eat unhealthy but not that bad. The only thing I had was a bit of a belly. No fat hanging over the side or anything, just a bit of a pot belly. To this day I have that same belly with no difference in size. Nothing you will notice under a shirt though.
can't help where your body chooses to store fat, as your stomach seems to be a primary store (pretty common in men) any loss should produce results from that area.

seen one of your old posts , I'd be interested to see a years worth of progress.
Hi there

If you are 8% bodyfat then it is highly unlikely that your protruding stomach is intra-abdominal fat. It is more likely that your Transverse Abdominus is weak, which will make your stomach protrude, even with low levels of bodyfat.

Core exercises my friend... and lots of them

From your pictures it looks as though your posture is the major contributing factor with this issue. If you begin with your upper back ( thoracic spine) it is excessively rounded causing your shoulders to rotate forwards. Usually caused by lifestyle or repetitive imbalances training. This in turn effects your lower back causing weakened lower abdomen and tight upper. Then if you look at your pelvis it has an anterior tilt (forwards) Your lower back then becomes excessively curved creating this " pot belly " effect. I would suggest strengthening your upper back, lower abdomen and hamstrings and lengthen or stretching the lower back, chest and quadriceps. You dont appear to have any issue with body fat, if anything your body fat looks nice and low.

Hope that helps.
Originally Posted by Sam Wilde

From your pictures it looks as though your posture is the major contributing factor with this issue. If you begin with your upper back ( thoracic spine) it is excessively rounded causing your shoulders to rotate forwards. Usually caused by lifestyle or repetitive imbalances training. This in turn effects your lower back causing weakened lower abdomen and tight upper. Then if you look at your pelvis it has an anterior tilt (forwards) Your lower back then becomes excessively curved creating this " pot belly " effect. I would suggest strengthening your upper back, lower abdomen and hamstrings and lengthen or stretching the lower back, chest and quadriceps. You dont appear to have any issue with body fat, if anything your body fat looks nice and low.

Hope that helps.

Thanks. I will give this a go for a while, find some ideas and give an update in some time.