Protien And Creatine?

Ok...Here are my questions. What does protien do for ya? How will it help me with weight lifting? And can I take it whenever I want to, or do I have to do it before/after I work out? ..

And on creatine...My friend told me its not safe for a 17 year old (6'2 210 pounds) to use creatine. And when using creatine do I take it whenever I want to in a day? Or do I take it before/after a work out?

If there is any other kind of pill/drink that will help me on getting stronger, or that I need to take while working out..

I am on a really good diet, and Im just curios what kind of Supplements/Vitamins I should be using to get greater resultes...I dont use just a joke.

I need help, thank you!!
The body incorporates the amino acids in protein to rebuild muscle tissue. It needs to be a complete protein source, such as meat, fish, eggs, diary, quinoa and such.

Whey is a by-product of the cheese making process, so it's a complete protein source.

I go with a carb/protein source before the gym, surge in my water during my workouts and a carb/protein drink after my workout.

Look into a multi-vitamin and fish oil. I'm using Theragran-M fish oil caps )pretty decent levels).

Don't bother with creatine at this time.
SamA wrote "When would be a good time to start using creatine?"

Depends on what your goals are. You say you weigh 210 pounds, but how tall are you? If you want to lose weight then I'd hold off on the creatine. Creatine should be used during a bulking phase not a cutting phase. Since your 210 and havn't been lifting for awhile I assume you have a high body fat percentage. For you it would be benificial to get down to 175-180 which will lower your body fat percentage a lot and then start a clean bulk if you want to be a big muscular guy. During the bulk is when you'll want to use creatine.

Also, your friend is wrong creatine is perfectly safe for a 17 year old to use.

Im not fat im 6'3. And I have alot of natural muscle. I havent ever lifted a weight in my life and im benching 260 max. I got a lil flab but i dont care about a toned out body. I just want to get a lil more muscle before i have to do football training again.
SamA wrote "When would be a good time to start using creatine?"

Depends on what your goals are. You say you weigh 210 pounds, but how tall are you? If you want to lose weight then I'd hold off on the creatine. Creatine should be used during a bulking phase not a cutting phase. Since your 210 and havn't been lifting for awhile I assume you have a high body fat percentage. For you it would be benificial to get down to 175-180 which will lower your body fat percentage a lot and then start a clean bulk if you want to be a big muscular guy. During the bulk is when you'll want to use creatine.

Also, your friend is wrong creatine is perfectly safe for a 17 year old to use.

Actually, creatine is fine to use for both cutting and bulking. Studies show that creatine has no effect on how the body stores fat. The only thing is, it may appear that you are gaining weight because you are in fact storing water. If you're worried about the number on the scale, stay away from creatine... If you're worried about body fat, creatine is fine.

However, in my personal opinion, I don't think creatine will be necessary in your situation. If you have never lifted, your body will start to show changes pretty quickly, and I don't think creatine will accelerate these changes.

Is creatine safe to use? sure... is it necessary right now? probably not.
protein supps, u can take whenever u want, but its always good to get one in after a workout, i drink like 5 of them a day, so just kinda space em out every 3 hours, and creatine, i always take that after a workout, and just pound down a half gallon of water with it
On a side note, protein should not just be taken post workout, but rather throughout the day through whole foods - meeting your daily requirements to maintain muscle growth.