Sport Proteins. Supplements really necessary?

Sport Fitness
Alright. Question.

Most of my proteins come from eggs, milk, and bread products. Fish as well.

Will this suffice? Or is some protein supplements a good idea? I am somewhat against buying 40$ powder, but are the results really noticable? Do they make the muscle overall stronger? What are the benefits?
if enough protein cant be gotten from solid food, then go for powder to fill in the gaps. there is nothing to prove that powder will give any results in and of itself. its total protein content and quality each day in the meal plan that matters.
As abear they aren't necessary if you get enough protein from your food. Unfortunetly getting enough protein usually means eating a lot of meat and it's usually difficult to do daily hence why people buy shakes. I personally think they are totally worth. Great in-between meals, snacks as well.

Also you said you get protein from bread? Bread doesn't have much if any protein.
The granary wholegrain bread i buy has 16.5% calories from protein which is plenty (Hovis granary bread). I'm a vegetarian and as long as I pay a bit of attention to my diet I can get enougth protein.

I don't get a ridicously high percentage of my calories from protein, I get 15-17%. It is however mostly quality protein (like I tell the girls, it's quality not size that counts :rolleyes: ). I do heavily supplement zinc (I get about 25mg a day) and vit B6 (67mg + what ever is in my diet) to ensure that the protein I get is fully utilized. I also make sure I get at least 10 grams of protein immediately post weight lifiting, as well as plenty in my main meal about an hour-hour and a half after my workout.

I wouldn't worry about getting that high a protein intake, for one thing it's not healthy, especially over extended periods of time.
For some people who want to get protien with out taking on extra carbs then powder is great. People who get all there protien from eggs and red meats will end up with heart problems.