Sport protein..

Sport Fitness
whats deal with the advertising crap..
Someone take this spam out please.

Diki, yes you can eat too much protein, of course it depends on your exercises, other foods, age, weight, genetics, the list doesnt end. Too much protein isn't so good for your liver and kidneys also.
eat too much of anything and you'll gain fat...u can only assimilate so much at 1 time but the figures are all over the place...i've read 10g per meal and up to 35g/meal...hardcore blokes don't care though they just throw it in as much as they long as your building muscle and not fat, it's a fair bet that that's the right amount for you...of course fats and carbs play their role there as well
Too much of anything isnt good.. I dont know how consuming a lot of protein will make you fat though. Also, we often think that our bodies (healthy) will get messed up easily. We would be pretty hard pressed to eat enough protein to severely damage our kidneys and/or liver...
woodn't be the protein that wood make you fat but tyour calories wood most likely be too high if your eating TOO much of something unless that's all u have