
protein has so many good reasons you should take it. it builds muscle, boosts your metabolism, helps digestion. protein suppliments just help you get your full allowance of protein every day. they contribute to your (hopefull) already healthy diet. they are also GREAT for a post workout shake because they get to your muscles much quicker than a regular meal. they are usually fast digesting(whey).
protein has so many good reasons you should take it. it builds muscle, boosts your metabolism, helps digestion. protein suppliments just help you get your full allowance of protein every day. they contribute to your (hopefull) already healthy diet. they are also GREAT for a post workout shake because they get to your muscles much quicker than a regular meal. they are usually fast digesting(whey).

ok cool.thanks for the help.
protein has so many good reasons you should take it. it builds muscle, boosts your metabolism, helps digestion. protein suppliments just help you get your full allowance of protein every day. they contribute to your (hopefull) already healthy diet. they are also GREAT for a post workout shake because they get to your muscles much quicker than a regular meal. they are usually fast digesting(whey).


how do you know when you need protein supps?
well, you start by tracking your diet, so you know how much protein you're already consuming.
if you're not getting 1g per pound of body mass (or more accurately 1g of complete protein <animal based, not plant based> per pound of lean mass) then you can use a protein powder to supplement your intake.

if you weigh 150lbs, you should be getting at least 150g of total protein a day (or about 135-140g of animal based protein).
Exactly, your diet comes before supplements - might as well get all of your protein through whole foods and just fill in the gaps with supplementation.
Extra protein just helps you MAXIMIZE your muscle building potential. Its doesnt (by itself) automatically make you gain muscle. Its not a magic substance, but just one of many things you can consume to help you along the way if your current diet isnt sufficient. Thats all. I know guys who drink beer during their work-outs and they are all ripped and cut. Dont blow the protein powder thing out of proportion.