Sport Protein

Sport Fitness
Egg whites
Almonds...the list goes on forever......
Try putting a glass of oj in the blender with a raw egg. I hate eggs but I dont even notice it in the oj and it dosent taste bad at all. Belive me the first time I tried it I expected to gag but its oj just a litlle thicker.
cdiorangel1 said:
but arent almonds fattening? is there someplace to get a whole list?

Even with the fat that almonds do have in them, they are still very good for you and a good source of protein.

I did a quick search online and found this site, it lists a bunch of foods and the amount of protein of each.

Hope this helps.
cdiorangel1 said:
but arent almonds fattening? is there someplace to get a whole list?

Too many calories are what makes you fat.

diet myth #69 - fatty foods make you fat

case in point, the atkins diet...focuses on removing carbs, but you can eat tons of fatty meat. you lose body fat. however your cholesterol skyrockets and you die of heart failure.

solution: a healthy balanced diet
I agree with malkore.

The biggest misconception is that fat will make you fat. It's what you choose to eat with the fat that is key.

Just to give you an idea, I take in 100 + grams of fat per day and still maintain muscle and burn fat.
You'll get better results sticking to quality foods, avoiding fast food and processed foods, and just watching your portion sizes....than worrying about what carb to pair with what protein, at what time of day, etc.

my only comment would be to avoid starchy carbs in your very last meal of the day (pre-bedtime).
~LV~ said:
Egg whites
Almonds...the list goes on forever......
cheese? i always thought cheese was considered... like "fat"
i mean... i know what u just said about fat... but the thread was labeled "protein"...
I duno, maybe i was wrong in thinking cheese isn't protein, or does it depdend on the type of cheese?
oh, i like eating peanuts and those sunflower KERNELS... the nutrition info is practically the same between the two.
fade2green514 said:
cheese? i always thought cheese was considered... like "fat"
i mean... i know what u just said about fat... but the thread was labeled "protein"...
I duno, maybe i was wrong in thinking cheese isn't protein, or does it depdend on the type of cheese?
oh, i like eating peanuts and those sunflower KERNELS... the nutrition info is practically the same between the two.

Yeah, it was labeled "protein" but it went from the protein filled almonds..which are also high in fat (but like LV and malkore said, some fats are good)

Some cheeses are good, cheese has a ton of protein, but most (well, some) also have a good amount of fat, I buy fat free cheese, mozzarella and cheddar, and its packed with protein...and no fat...obviously
All good idears - another good one if you like breakfast cereals is "Kashi Go-Lean Crunch". High in fiber and protein, and it tastes great!