Protein Supplement vs Meat

I am a university student, thus I am really tight on my budget. If I spend $50 on protein supplement, I probably have to cut my meat budget down. So should I spend the money on protein powder or just eating alot meats such as chicken, steak or pork.
if you workout, it may be a good idea to get a protein supplement (whey). but if you dont workout, then meat all the way baby. even though i workout, i still would rather just eat meat. tastes better and is more satisfying, in my opinion. :cool:
Well I guess I will squeeze a few bucks out of my budget to get some protein powder. I have a 5 days workout routine, I think I probably need it.
You have to track what you're eating. You can use sites like , input all your food (and weigh it if possible) and you'll get a pretty accurate list of where all your calories come from. (you can click the link in my sig to see my public fitday record, though today is my cheat day).

I can tell you that 2-3 eggs and a small steak every day isn't even hitting the USRDA for protein intake, which is about 40% less than a 'physically active' person should get, especially if you're looking to gain muscle mass. Aim for 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight if you're trying to bulk up, 1g per lb of lean body mass if you're looking to maintain or diet.
my question is: where are you spending $50 on protein powder? check out places online for cheaper whey. has some good deals.
$50 is pretty pricey for a protein powder. Lemme guess, GNC? :)

If you're going to eat meat as a protein source, stick to your poultry. It's leaner and easier to metabolize.

With red meat, you're getting a lot of fat (which admittedly you need in some amount, but for the amount of protein you want to get out of it, it's not worth it), and because of the connective tissues in red meat, it's more difficult to break down and digest.

With white meat, you have a low fat, low cost, extremely rich protein source that, for my taste, is much more versatile in meals.

The "other white meat", pork, isn't so bad as long as you stick to ultra-lean ham. Some porks (stay away from most sausages!) can be killers in terms of saturated fats.
With ultra lean ham, it still probably has a lot of sodium, so eat in moderation.
About any 'sausage' is gonna be loaded in fat...even turkey sausage (because they tend to use dark meat instead of turkey breast)
I personally feel beef in moderation is fine. No more than once per day, as a maximum, especially if you're trying to cut.
Fish is great for you, especially white albcore tuna packed in water (not as fishy)
If you're ever dining out adn they offer buffalo burgers, that's about the leanest red meat you can get, and tastey too.