Sport protein suggestions

Sport Fitness
I have a question about protein. I've searched for info on this site, and found some good advice. But I have a specific question. (Sorry, I'm not that swift when it comes the nutrition.)

I weigh about 88 kg., which means (if I'm not mistaken) that I need about 176 grams of protein a day. Divided by 6 meals is 30 grams a meal. If I'm supposed to have about 30 grams of protein 6 times a day, what sources of protein should I be eating? I hope this doesn't sound stupid, but 176 grams sounds like a TON of protein to me, especially to someone who is trying to lose weight. I normally struggle to get 100 grams a day. I mean my cottage cheese only has about 8 grams of protein.

I do drink a protein shake after my workout, and i also eat natural peanut butter, tuna, chicken, etc. So I know where protein comes from, but 176 grams of protein a day . . . seems like all I should be eating is protein. Am I thinking about this correctly?

One more question. I know protein is important for rebuilding muscles, but if I'm presently trying to lose weight, why is protein so important? Is it because bigger muscles should equal more weight loss? Is it because it is simply better for you than carbs and fat? I understand that all are important, but I am just missing something when it comes to protein (obviously).

protein foods include cottage cheese, eggs, milk, yogurt, chicken, fish, turkey and lean red meat. i average a little over 200 grams a day. i have it broken down like this, just talking protein foods here

eggs and milk for meal 1

eggs and cottage cheese for meal 2

animal flesh for meal 3

protein shake for meal 4

animal flesh for meal 5

cottage cheese and milk for meal 6

other notes

The word protein is derived from the Greek word "Proteios,"which literally means "of prime importance." Much of what we see when we look in the mirror is protein — our skin, hair, fingernails and muscles, for instance.

Enzymes, hormones and antibodies, all critical to the function of the body, are types of proteins. Enzymes facilitate various chemical reactions in the body (e.g. breaking down food during digestion). Hormones such as insulin and thyroid regulate the body in many ways. (NOTE: Not all hormones are proteins - estrogen and testosterone, for example, are sterols). Antibodies, which are proteins, make up a critical part of the body's immune system.

One of the primary uses of protein in the body is to synthesize structural proteins such as muscle, skin and hair. Protein is also used to synthesize peptide hormones such as growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), insulin and glucagon. Additionally, protein is used to synthesize transport proteins, such as albumin, which is used to transport other substances through the bloodstream.

its not just for "hooge musscles" :D
Okay, thanks. That helps clear things up. That still seems like a lot of food to be eating to me if I am trying to lose weight (after all, I have to squeeze in things like fruits and veggies) but I'm certainly no expert. I think I can start eating more eggs. You eat tons of them!

Is it okay to have more than one protein shake a day?

Thanks again.

yes, its ok but not the best plan. protein foods provide a thermogenic effect. a good idea is to base your meals off protein first, then add in healthy carbs and fats. ;)
Okay, that is very helpful info. I'm already thinking of ways to get protein into my diet now. Thanks a million. :)
Most nuts are also a good source. But high in fat so watch them closely.

Fish is also ridiculously high in protein. I pop a couple small cans of chunk light in water as a snack.

"but if I'm presently trying to lose weight, why is protein so important?"

Muscle burns fat. The reason people who just diet often gain the weight back or even more weight when they stop dieting is because their body didn't shed the weight, their appetite did.

When you exercise, you use your muscle and oxygen to burn the fat. The more you exercise, the stronger your muscles become, and the more fat you burn.

Protein is the building block for muscle. You may find you don't need anywhere near 176 grams... depends on a lot of personal factors... your weight, your body fat, your work-out habbits, etc.

But a little excess protein won't hurt either. :)
Some Good Lean Proteins:

Top round beef
Chicken Breast
Top stirloin beef
Whey protein powder
Turkey Breast
Tuna (Water packed)
Extra lean ground turkey
Egg whites
Extra lean ground beef
Thanks again everyone. I'm so glad to have a forum like this one with such knowledgeable people.

Now that I've given it some thought, 176 gr. of protein doesn't sound so bad. Lots of tuna and chicken! I think my biggest problem is preparing food . . . constantly! Make dinner, prepare lunch for tomorrow, etc. etc., not to mention that I have two kids who eat like bottomless pits. But it will be worth it.

175 lbs., here I come.