Sounds like whether to have protein natural or use Whey is a choice unless I am misunderstanding. I will look up the other things you guys mentioned like Glycogen because I don't know what that is. This may not sound good but I have never been on a diet or had to watch what I eat. I eat what I want and when and am still doing that at 50 today and I am 5' 6", 120 pds with a small frame, my son is also small frame. Sorry if I ask many questions but working out/weight lifting is all new to me. I have concerns about how much he should workout, his eating habits versus how active he is. His workout at school is a program for his sport baseball; which he is a pitcher. He has a college looking at him so he is trying to do whatever it takes to strength his body and help with pitching. 2 or 3 times a week at school he does Bicep curls (45 pds both arms), bench press (rep 2 sets of 20 at 80 pds), wrist curls (30 pds on right 25 on left arm). He has not started the legs yet. Now we have the workout system at our house, is it OK to workout at school and at home? He hikes once a month, rides his bike and has started to run. He is and has always been active, you will not see him in front of a computer or game system. He eats OK, just not enough I think. We eat a lot of chicken and not so much red meat, hardly ever eat fast food. Drinks at least 3-4 glasses of 2% milk, no problem with most vegetables and likes many different fruits. He is not a typical teen that eats constantly, but he will eat what I put in front of him or grab something out of the refrigerator if it is quick. Is this understandable? In my first post I said he was 5’ 7”, that was a typo, he is 5’9”.