Protein Shakes

Hi everyone.

I was wondering if anyone could give me some info on protein shakes. A friend recently suggested that I try them but I am not sure if I should. I have bought a small container of "Spiru-Tein", which is a soy powder. Is this to be used as a meal replacement? Is it to be used in addition? I work out 5-6 times a week (running or step arobics) in addition to taking a weight training class (Body Pump) 2-3 times a week. My goal is to tone and just be all around healthier.

Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.
Generally you only need protein shakes if you are trying to add muscle mass. If oyu are just trying to tone don't waste your money. Also, soy protein is usually considered the worst type in terms of absorbtion and effectiveness. Whey protein is the best.
protein powders are just used to add more protein to the diet. if one cannot EAT enough protein during the day, mixing some powder in a liquid comes in very handy.

they are not meal replacements. a meal replacement would have ample protein along with carbs, fat and vitamin/minerals.