Ok I have heard numerous things about shakes. I recently bought the ON 2 lb cannister.
Things I have heard:
1) If you don't take in at least 3 scoops (72g) of protein a day, it will all be wasted and do nothing, just clear out your system.
2) You need LOTS of protein for it to "stick."
3) You need to take protein shakes everyday or else it will have no effect.
4) Best time to take the shake is around 30 minutes post workout.
I lift and do LOTS of cardio. (20-25 miles a week) I bought the protein in order to offset the amount of cardio I do. I felt like I was losing some muscle in there and wanted to minimize the damage. I'm not looking to bulk tons, maybe gain a little but more to make sure I'm not losing muscle. Any suggestions?
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Things I have heard:
1) If you don't take in at least 3 scoops (72g) of protein a day, it will all be wasted and do nothing, just clear out your system.
2) You need LOTS of protein for it to "stick."
3) You need to take protein shakes everyday or else it will have no effect.
4) Best time to take the shake is around 30 minutes post workout.
I lift and do LOTS of cardio. (20-25 miles a week) I bought the protein in order to offset the amount of cardio I do. I felt like I was losing some muscle in there and wanted to minimize the damage. I'm not looking to bulk tons, maybe gain a little but more to make sure I'm not losing muscle. Any suggestions?
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