protein shakes

should you drink a protein shake before or after a work out?

Some amino acids of protein work better before a workout, some work better after. Protein shakes typically have all the essentials + more... You can get whey mix with EXCELLENT protein to fat/carb ratios... so why not have some before and some after?
I recommend a little before and a lot after. I eat eggs and complex carbs (whole grain cereal or bread) no less than an hour before a workout, and drink lots of water before as well. Immediately after working out I have a protein shake filled with all sorts of good things, and then about 30 minutes after that a solid meal with more protein, complex carbs, fruits and vegetables. And lots of water!
Definently after. It takes about 1 hour and 30 minuets for a protein shake to digest. Therefore if you drink one after it feeds all those muscles that you just worked making it easier for them to repair. Have like a meal replacement or something before working out. You usually shouldn't have any liquids before working out anyway. I hope this is of some help.
My bad, of course water is.. haha. By liquids I guess I only meen protein shakes. You don't want a thick protein shake being burped up while working out! There nasty enough having to taste them once. But yes water of course is good. Long story short, Protein shakes AFTER the workout.