Sport Protein shakes without working out?

Sport Fitness
Hey, I'm new here, I'm 18 years old and i want to know something, because of college i haven't been able to go workout for the past week or so, maybe wont be able for the next too, I recently bought a whey protein supplement, is it ok if I have it as a snack, say a glass of milk with one serving of it? , without working out that is, I've heard it is bad
Its not bad, but its only really recommended to take things like this if you are unable to get what you need fro real food.

If your unable to find time to eat then this is fine, but if your unable to workout and are still able to eat normally (and do) then you must understand that it will all boil down to a simple equation, more calories going in then coming out equals weight gain. If you find the shakes are not satisfying your appetite (which may well happen as part of your bodies ability to recognise you have had a meal is in the chewing motion) then your likely to take on a few additional calories and pile on the pounds.

Unfortunetly these will not add to your body as additional muscles unless you train hard, they will instead add to your waistline and give you more work to do when you get to the gym.

So by all means drink the shakes, but keep a close monitor on your food calorie intake and make sure you don't go over your limit. If your having a shake, think about which meal it is replacing, remember that you will still need to eat fresh fruit and veg to remain healthy and that even adding these into a shake will not substitute getting the actual fruit- once you have distroyed the fiber by chopping it up you only get one of your five-a-day no matter how much you drink.
That shake you put your Whey protein into is just a shaker, not a magic lamp you can rub and have a genie pop out ;)

Look at the nutritional information for your shake, if you can't get that nutrition from whole foods, use the shake to SUPPLIMENT your diet. Make sure it fits in with your daily requirements and take it if you need to.

Too often whey protein seems to be referred to as some magic potion, the amount of times i've explained in work and people think it's some magical muscle building formula, or that only people with big muscles "need" to take it is rediculous lol.

Oh and you could get big and strong without the suppliment if you get the correct nutrients from food alone. Time, budget and convenience means most people can benefit in some way from a whey suppliment.

If you can get by without it that's great, I wish I could. They are quite a tasty treat though too heh.
As already stated, a whey shake is no different than eating protein from steak, chicken, etc.

Its calories. Have too many, you gain weight. Don't workout...and that weight will be fat, not muscle.
whey protein is a fast assimilating protein, whereas milk, comprised mostly of casein is not a fast assimilating protein. This means, whey is digested and utilized very quickly, typically its either been used or ejected from your body within 45 minutes, where as caseinn protein "clumps" in your gut and can take up to seven hours to be fully digested. There are benefits to both. Whey would best be taken post workout, so that the amino acids and other nutrients are quickly rushed to your muscles, whcih are primed to receive such nutrients after a workout. But it is also beneficial to consume casein as well, to keep a steady stream of amino acids and other nutrients flowing to your muscles, to promote recovery and growth over a longer period of time. Now, protein from whole foods such as chicken, turkey, steak, etc, all have different amino acid make ups, and really are not the same as whey or casein protein. They are all beneficial, and you should not consume only one type of protein, as a matter of fact, you should consume them all. With all that being said, yes, have your protein shake as a snack, its much better than having ice cream or a snickers bar. But if you can, opt for healthy whole foods first and foremost, but there is no reason why you can't supplement your diet with whey, whether or not your working out. But really,you'll get the best results if you do work out.
Proteins, within the bosy are constantly breaking down. So whetehr or not you are working out, you still need to ingest protein so that your body has amble amino's to help your body with everyday metabolism. If you cut back, your muscles may catabolize.