Protein Shakes slowing me down?

I was a little curious about all the effects of protein shakes combined with exercise. I have always used exercise whenever I've wanted to lose any weight, altho recently I've had other goals to build more muscle mass. After reading various internet forums pertaining to building muscle mass I had several people tell me I'm wasting my time without protein sups.
So i went out and got some, and have been taking them regularally for a few months. I have noticed some muscle gain in my targeted areas, but I have also noticed my belly aint getting any smaller no more. So i read the side of the protein only to discover each shake contains 900 calories!! Wow!

I understand i may not lose as much weight on the scale while adding muscle mass, but I'm beginning to wondering if these protein sups are contradicting my secondary goals towards weight lose, Can anyone offer me any tips or info on that?

protein whakes should really only be used if you need more protein in your diet. sounds like you've actually added more calories to your diet than you needed.

what exactly is the product you're using?
I've tried various protein whey products, i'm on a tight budget so usually i just go with whats on sale or the cheapest per volume, so i usually just end up buying a no name store brand.

But I was told by various fitness/body building ppl that muscle mass gain is next to impossible (despite how hard a workout regime you have) without eating your bodyweight in grams of protein everyday, I was a little skeptical at first, but everyone I asked said the same thing. And I can testify that I've seen more muscle gain in the 2 months I've been using the extra protein than in years before without.

I was maybe gonna check if there were any protein mixes with equal protein and carbs but without all the excess calories, do you maybe have any suggestions to that effect? Or would I be better off seperating times of muscle gain and weightloss ? ie go for a few months completely aimed at adding muscle mass, then for a few months completely aimed at weight (fat) loss ?

any suggestions?

Thanx again
and out of curiosity, approximately how many calories would I be burning during a 1 hour workout on weights using a high weight medium reps approach? or is that mostly carbs I'd be using?

I just find it hard to believe that anyone would burn off an additional 1000 calories a day despite their workout.
understand complety about the tight budget. you're preaching to the choir :)

yes, thats right about the protein intake. .8 to 1 gram per pound of bodyweight is the typical recommendations.

if you just want more protein, you can buy protein powders that have only 1 or 2 grams of carbs per serving. you can find 5lb containers with 80 servings online for 25 dollars. these last me over 2 months. :)

personally, i think its better to concentrate on one task at a time. it just takes too long to do both at the same time. most try to gain during the fall and winter, cut in the spring and maintain during the summer then repeat.
abear - that is part of the problem - I dont know much about them at all. i just know i dont get enough in my diet. is there one that is an overall supplement that would be the most bang for the drink (and take decent too?)
well, the cheapest route would be a whey protein powder. i buy a 5lb container by optimum nutrition with 80 servings. taken once a day will last you over 2 months.

the kinda negative about whey is that you digest it very fast. so it would have to be taken in addition to other meals.

then you have combinations of some or all. these are sometimes more expensive but you dont have to worry so much about how you take it.

i use an egg protein powder during the day cause i want it to digest slowly to sustain me till my next meal.

what protein foods are you eating during the day?
I am just looking for a supplement to go with the meals I do eat.
I eat several egg whites but I get bored with that. I have pork or chicken for the most part - but that is probably only once a day.
Dinner I am fine - it is from breakfast till dinner.
Thanks abear.
heres where i buy mine from. its a long list but alot of it is the same stuff but they list every single flavor.

i'd suggest just a simple whey powder to you ;)
Thanks for the site.