Protein shakes on teens

This has probably been answered a thousand times but i can't seem to find any helpful answer among the threads i've read.
I'm 16, and i usually take one or two shakes a day, usually after the exercise and before going to bed.
But my parents are constantly telling me that those shakes aren't good for my health. i know they don't have any kind of knowledge on that area.
The main reason why i'm asking if protein shakes can put your health in danger as creatine does sometimes( mainly on your kidneys), is because some days ago i visited a nutritionist and he said, that wasn't healthy too take protein shakes so young.

I will be grateful for advises on that matter.

A lot of people, including health professionals, don't know jack about nutrition or supplements.
as a general blanket statement, protein powder is fine at any age as long as its a supplement to your diet, and not a main staple. 2 shakes a day is the max I suggest. protein is just food, its not a steroid, or even a chemical like creatine (which is also fine).

As a teen, you might want to stick to 1 a day, post workout. at bed time, something like cottage cheese is better cuz it sticks with you all night, plus its full of calcium.

unless you have existing kidney problems, or are consuming 3g of protein per pound of bodyweight and not drinking any water to help excrete waste you should be ok.