Protein shake question

I have been working out in the gym for a while now to improve fitness, lose a bit of chub from my belly and man boobs(!) and bulk muscles up a bit. This was pretty lax up until recently where I have started going everyday before work &am for an hour. In that Hour I Row 3km (about 12 and a half minutes- not sure if thats good!), Then move on to weights for about 30 mins before doing some stomach exercises and go back to weights for a final 10 minutes.

This week I started taking a protein shake immediatley after the workout and then when I get to work 20 mins later have a bowl of Banana and yogurt. Is this good or should i forget the protein shake?

Also should I be doing weight training one week and one week of cardio (rowing, running, cycling) and if so should I have protein shake after cardio??? So many questions....cheers for any help!
Same boat different skipper

Hey SaintJoe I am going through some of the same so this is what I experience

I In that Hour I Row 3km (about 12 and a half minutes- not sure if thats good!), Then move on to weights for about 30 mins before doing some stomach exercises and go back to weights for a final 10 minutes.
Cardio and Gym a great combination as weights doesnt always lift the heart rate to the training zone needed to lose the weight.

This week I started taking a protein shake immediatley after the workout and then when I get to work 20 mins later have a bowl of Banana and yogurt. Is this good or should i forget the protein shake?
No the shake is great but check that it is low or no sugar as you need one that is protien and not simple sugars (carbs). The banananas are probably the part I would say NO to as they are a high GI food fast acting sugar. You need a few carbs after a workout but the protien shake would probably give enough, Tyr larger fibre foods like apples or pears after the workout but not too many.

Also should I be doing weight training one week and one week of cardio (rowing, running, cycling) and if so should I have protein shake after cardio??? So many questions....cheers for any help!
To lose fat you need to do cardio, to gain muscle you need to do Weights. A good combination for me is starting light for the first month 3 days a week Gym & Cardio (that was the best for me then I plataeued for a week and started another routine of 3 days on and 1 off 1 20 minutes stretching 45 - 60 gym and 30 cardio. I have dropped from 128kgs down to 115kgs but you need to make sure you do it in a way where you lose .2 - .5kg a week (remember drink a decent amount of water throughout the day and after your workout. Water helps heal and replenish.
i agree with most but your post workout drink, you SHOULD have hi GI carbs with your pretein after your workout, weights or cardio. Just watch the rest of your calories the rest of the day.
The previous poster is right. You want some fast sugars after your workout to replenish your glycogen (intramuscular sugar) stores. Just watch the simple sugars at other times.
To optimise hormonal response after exercise (hence enhancing recovery) go for a high GI carb/protein isolate drink ideally post workout.

Combining simple glucose with whey isolate is ideal, but can be enhanced further by the addition of creatine if you so desire.

Best Wishes