Protein shake question

my wife recently purchased gnc 100% whey protein for herself...she's in shape but just wants to get toned..she's new to the workout scene..the gnc dealer told her that she could take the whey protein and not even have to really work out and she would start to tone wife still wants to hit the gym, but wants to know if/when she should take the protein shakes?
my wife recently purchased gnc 100% whey protein for herself...she's in shape but just wants to get toned..she's new to the workout scene..the gnc dealer told her that she could take the whey protein and not even have to really work out and she would start to tone wife still wants to hit the gym, but wants to know if/when she should take the protein shakes?

Great salesman at GNC.

There are three sides to being in shape.

1) What you put in your mouth (Probably about 30%-40% of it, arguably more)
2) How much you bust your arse ( 30%)
3) How much you really want it. The mental side (30%-40%)

Just drinking a GNC shake no matter what it is isn't going to get you and keep you in good shape, you need the above 3 things in order.
Well, the guy at GNC is an idiot and an a--hole. That is not going to happen at all. He just wanted a sale. Sorry to hear that. I hate GNC. They're overpriced and then they tell you things like what you just said. From now on, buy your products online. There are a bunch of cheaper websites and you don't get mislead like that. Look at,,,, etc.

I will disagree with InnerFight and say that what you eat is more like 75-80% of, and that inherently includes the mental part, because if you're winning the mental battle, you're eating the right foods. The rest is a combination of working hard and knowing what you're doing so that the hard work isn't wasted.

Your wife doesn't need to take protein. Ultimately, that is just a supplement and cannot replace whole food. It works great pre or post-workout because it's fast digesting and convenient, but in no way is it totally necessary. If she wants to take it to help her out, PWO is probably the best time.
Unless there is steroid in the protein shake, just taking the shake will not "tone" her up. Toning by standard usage is losing the bodyfat while maintaining or slight gain in muscle, right? How is intaking more calories even via protein going to make her lose weight.

Like the other posters said, Whey is fast acting and good for post workout and possibly in the morning but you do need to lift your finger to do some workout. Not all whey is the same too, fyi. The whey from EAS has wayy more cholersterol than Optinum Nutrition (ON). I personally use ON gold standard whey from Compare GNC's prices to BB, there is a big difference. BB will list the nitritutional facts as well for protein, look at the calories + cholersterol + protein per serving.

Good luck!!! If you guys have more sex while taking the Whey then, yes she may tone up but only if she does the work and you sit back and relax.
glad there's no GNC in Ireland!lol