Protein Shake Question

I've been using Optimuim Nutrition 100% whey protein gold standard for about two weeks now and I have yet to see any weight gain or muscle mass added.
I have been taking one drink everyday, 2 scoops, which has 24g of protein in each scoop with milk. Anyone else that uses that brand. Any positive or negative feedback?

I am 16 years old, 135 pounds about 5 foot 7. If you need to know that stuff.

My diet is...alright I try to eat as healthy as I can but sometimes I do have a candy bar once in a while. I do not drink pop and I have cut most chocolate out of my diet(except for the odd chocolate cookie)

any suggestions on why i havn't gained weight?
well you dont really post any information sufficient to knowing what could be causing your problem (diet ,training regimen) but your probably not eating enough.also its not like whey protein is a magic supplement that will build muscle for you you have to put in some work too. id take the advise of some more experienced ppl however and hope they chime in.
Hello Hardgainer17,

Are you working out too or are you just consuming a lot of proteins...just curious. From the way it looks, it seems like you are working out. Anyways, please be a little more specific so we know what you are doing so we can help you better. How much protein are you taking daily?

For my workout I usually drink XS protein shakes 15-30 minutes before and after a workout. It gives me energy and helps the recovery time. There are 35grams of protein in each shakes so that helps a lot. You can read some reviews at
Doesn't matter how many protein shakes you drink you will not gain weight unless you are consuming more calories than you are using.

I would recommend that you calculate your maintenance level (taking into consideration your activity level) and then formulate a diet accordingly.
Ok sorry I got kinda tingled up in other things while i was postng that so I kinda had to cut it short.

I am working out. I workout about 3-4 times a week on a program my trainer put me on. Right now the phase I'm in is just for muscle endurance to get my body ready for more intense phases down the road. I'm about half way done the first phase right now.

As the shakes go, on the days I workout I have one about 30 minutes after I'm done working out and on my off days I have when I come home from school which is about 2:45 pm. I take 2 scoops per drink so the total amount of protein per shake is roughly 50g. Should I be drinking more then 1 a day?

My diet right now is...alright. I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible. I do not count count calories but I'm trying to get as much carbs and protein as I can.

I also know just drinking a protein drink won't make me big and muscular but I thought it might help the recovery and help get a little added muscle.

So, is my best bet just to try and eat more food?
As the shakes go, on the days I workout I have one about 30 minutes after I'm done working out and on my off days I have when I come home from school which is about 2:45 pm. I take 2 scoops per drink so the total amount of protein per shake is roughly 50g. Should I be drinking more then 1 a day?

My diet right now is...alright. I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible. I do not count count calories but I'm trying to get as much carbs and protein as I can.

I also know just drinking a protein drink won't make me big and muscular but I thought it might help the recovery and help get a little added muscle.

So, is my best bet just to try and eat more food?

Well, based on your weight and if you go by what the literature suggests a person needs in terms of protein to add muscle mass, you only need about 110 - 140 grams of protein.

Of that, I assume 50 grams is coming from your post workout shake - leaving you only 60- 90 grams that you need to accumulate via breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks. That 60- 90 grams should be ' dead easy ' to accumulate breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks from traditional food sources without having to resort to consuming another shake IMO.
Ok thanks for the info. So basically just start eating a little more food.
Another problem I found is, I have A LOT of water weight. I drink plenty of water on average maybe 3-4 bottles of water a day.
I play hockey also and I found I can loss like 3-4 pounds after a game. I can usually gain those pounds back but I can't really gain much more then I lost. Is that still from not eating enough?
Ok thanks for the info. So basically just start eating a little more food.

Here is some few tips that some people miss...try to eat five or six meals a day (maybe smaller meals) and do not miss breakfast. Remember that when you are sleeping your body is in a catabolic state (breaking down tissue for energy). That is why it is important to eat breakfast (protein rich) to re-enter an anabolic state. Also make sure your body have enough nutrition before and after workouts to keep it in an anabolic state...and sorry if I was spamming.

Another lots of chicken and tuna...great for building muscles but I'm sure you know that already:)
I eat a good amount of chicken not my favourite to eat all the time but I do eat it but never really liked tuna that much so any other alternatives? Just any meats really?
protein requirements

with regards to protein, an athlete/bodybuilder requires approximately 1.5-2.0 g of protein per kilogram (1kg = 2.2lbs) of bodyweight as a rule of thumb according the national strength and conditioning association. Best bet is to aquire your protein from a variety of sources to ensure you are consuming adequate amounts of essential and non essential amino acids.
My diet right now is...alright. I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible. I do not count count calories but I'm trying to get as much carbs and protein as I can.

That's your problem right there.

If your diet is ...alright, your results are going to be ...alright. I'm not saying you need make yourself crazy counting every calorie, but at least get a good idea of what you're taking in. Search for a BMI calculator online and use that to figure out your maintenance level in calories, then add 500 to put yourself into a surplus. Then, figure out how many calories you are eating now. That'll give you a better idea of how to adjust your diet.
thread is 2 years old. not sure why Podium dragged it up to reply on it...but I suspect another new member will post and suggest some high priced supplement available from their website.
A protein blend would be much better than just standard whey in terms of you reaching your daily protein requirements. Stay away from only whey supplements other than immediately post workout, or first thing in the morning; your body can only process so much protein at one time, and what it doesn't process, it stores as fat. The protein blend that I use when I dont have time to prepare a meal, such as if I'm at work, is IDS's New Whey. It tastes amazing, but besides that it has a blend of whey, cassein, and collagen which will give you a steady supply of protein for hours instead of minutes from the whey alone.