Protein shake makes me feel fat.

Hey all, I've recently started drinking protein shakes after I finish working out. I've used whey protein powder, 1 whole banana, 1 serving whole grain oats, 1 tbs natty pb, and skim milk.

My question is: Why do I feel fat and bloated after I drink this? My goal with my exercise routine is to burn fat (my routine is very jog/run oriented). Is it possible that the protein shake is counterproductive to me burning off fat?

protien shake is for people who want to build muscle not burn fat so i really dnt know why ur drinkin it at all if ur goal is to burn fat :confused:
Yes and no. Given, the protein shake will contain a number of calories, especially with you adding all that extra stuff in - which is all perfectly healthy I might add. The protein shake is very good for you.

However, weight loss is about burning calories first and foremost. You may want to look into how many calories you're getting from your protein shake. If your daily caloric intake is overtaking your daily caloric burn, then you may want to cut that back, or other meals.

The thing about the protein is that it's going to be essential to rebuilding your muscle and tissues. The vitamins, carbohydrates, and fats in the other stuff you're putting in there are going to help you recover from your workouts faster, have more energy after your workout, etc.

The question I would ask you, I guess, is why are you drinking a protein shake after you run? (This isn't a bad thing, I'm just curious if you know why you are)
Superman said:
protien shake is for people who want to build muscle not burn fat so i really dnt know why ur drinkin it at all if ur goal is to burn fat :confused:
Everybody needs protein, and it looks like her shake is more of a meal replacement than a straight protein drink.

Pff, using "lol" as a subject for a post is a little condescending, dontcha think?
[/QUOTE]The question I would ask you, I guess, is why are you drinking a protein shake after you run? (This isn't a bad thing, I'm just curious if you know why you are)[/QUOTE]

I guess I should clarify - I don't drink it after the days I run, just the days I go to the gym. While I run 3-5 days per week, I only visit the gym 2-3 days per week. I use the shake on those days to help my muscles build back up. However, I am mostly concerned with achieving a slim, sleek body, and second concerned with muscle definition (not mass).

I'm just worried that the shake I drink on those days will be overall counterproductive to the body I'm trying to sculpt.
Oh yeah...

And also, I forgot to mention, but yes, this shake (on the days I drink it) replaces my dinner (post workout at the gym).
I don't think it should be an issue if you're using it as a meal replacement as it sounds perfectly healthy to me. Though, it might not be a good idea to get so many sugars for dinner - considering that you won't be using them and they may be stored as fat during sleep.
i actually always drink a protein shake after my morning run, my usual routine is to run 3 miles, do sets of pushups and crunches/leglifts, etc. i use the protein shake as my breakfast, after inititally drinking a lot of water first, to rehydrate myself. you dont need to only be wanting to put on weight to use protein shakes, they make fine meal replacements. as fil pointed out, everyone needs protein. & the shakes arent counter productive to weight-loss at all, as long as they fall into your daily calorie allowance you've set for yourself, and as long as you're careful what you put in them. they can be an incredibly healthy part of a good diet, IF you're careful about what goes in them. and i personally have never felt bloated after drinking one. as fil said, i would maybe reconsider what you're putting in them, though it sounds fine to me. maybe a little less oats, and use water instead of milk? or even substitute the PB for something else, like flax oil or milled flax seeds?